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The whole drive to Paige's appartement, I have to force myself to stay in my seat. I don't know if I'm just a horny drunk or if I'm just horny now that I've finally had sex with Paige, but I am horny.

I just want her to fuck me. That's my only feeling, my only emotion and the only thing I can think about. And with the alcohol in my system, I don't feel shy at all expressing this to Paige by the time we get up to her appartement.

I hold onto her arm all the way to her floor and she doesn't seem to mind the clinginess. As soon as she shuts the door behind us, I basically throw myself on her.

"Paige, I need you so bad," I tell her as I hurriedly touch all over her body and kiss down her neck.

"Wow, calm down," Paige says with a light chuckle.

She doesn't reciprocate my actions, her hands not even touching my body. I don't think she understands how serious I am.

"Paige, please," I pull away from her to look her in the eyes, "Fuck me. I need you to fuck me."

Paige just smiles at me and it's like we're on different planets, "I can't. You're drunk."

Oh shit. Who cares? She can't do this to me! Maybe I can trick her.

"You are too!" I insist.

Paige shakes her head laughing lowly, "No I'm not. I wouldn't have drove if I were drunk."

"Well, play pretend!" I suggest.

Paige just laughs even more at this. I run my hands over her shoulders, broad but not in a bulky manly way, but in a she-definitely-works-out kind of way. I want to see her muscles again. I want her to use them on me. What can I say to make her cave?

"Do you think I'm ugly? Was I just really bad last time?" I ask her as I look down at our feet, hopefully making her feel bad so she'll give in.

"No, baby, of course you're not ugly. And you did really good last night," she says the last part with with a smirk.

"Then why can't we do it again?" I ask her innocently, running my hand down her arm.

"Because," she says, looking me directly in the eye, "you are drunk. I am sober."

"Well then do you have any alcohol in here?" I ask desperately, gesturing to her appartement.

"No," she says simply.

God, it's like this girl has no sex drive.

I sigh deeply before looking back at her. I won't back down.

"No one will ever know about it Paige. We can keep it our little secret. Just like our whole thing we have. No one has to know," I say as seductively as possible, inching my face closer and closer to hers.

"It's not about other people knowing. It's not right. You're not in your right state of mind," she tells me calmly.

"You think I wouldn't want this if I were?" I slur out in pure frustration. I can make my own decisions for myself and what I want! I'm not a baby!

"We'll never know. Because you're not sober."

"Ugh!" I shove her, but I'm the one that ends up stumbling backwards.

I end up falling down and Paige rushes over to me, helping me up.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I hold my arms around her neck as she helps me up.

"I'm so sorry, baby," she says, holding me in her arms once I'm on my feet again.

"So you do still like me?" I ask her hopefully.

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