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Me and Paige fell into a future full of baking, movie nights and butterfly kisses. Bouquets of flowers, morning cuddles and sneaking kisses in public. And of course goofing off in the gym and special treatments in PT.

I officially broke up with Caitlin in person. She messaged me the weekend me and Paige got back together and, despite Paige's complaints, I met up with her to give her an explanation that Monday. She deserved that much.

My dad let me start interning with Steve and Laura again, who everyone kind of knows are together but no one is going to get them in trouble for it.

As for me and Paige, everyone knows we're together. We kindly remind them every time I show up at practice with baked goods for her and fuss at my dad for working her too hard.

It's now July and we are no where near the gym. Paige is taking a well deserved break. We're in her home town for a few weeks staying with her mom. That's right! I got to meet her mom! And her grandma and her aunt! Unfortunately, I didn't get to meet her dad and brother though. They live in a different state now.

Today me and Paige are getting ready for a pool day with some of her friends from high school. I'm kind of nervous because I just want to make a good impression.

Me and Paige are putting our swimsuits on in her room. I help Paige tie her bikini top and step back to take her in. I can't help but to gawk at her beauty. Paige in a bikini is something I could get used to.

"Holy shit," I breathe out.

"What?" Paige asks.

"You in that swimsuit," I gesture at her body, "What the actual fuck? This should be illegal."

"Oh," Paige laughs, "I thought something was wrong."

"There is something wrong! The fact that all the people at the pool are going to get to see all of this," I gesture to her body again, "for free!"

"Shut up," Paige mumbles and starts blushing. She's so cute.

"Like seriously," I go on, "how are you real? Wait. Are you real?"

"Wanna see for yourself?" She smirks at me.

I never pass up an opportunity to see for myself.

I come over to her and she pulls me against her. Yep. Real.

I let my hands fall over her chest and she meets my lips for a kiss as I feel her up, taking her small boobs in my hands.

"Holy fuck," I whisper when our lips part.

"Language," she whispers to me, grinning before pecking my lips again.

"I bet I could make you cuss," I tell her seductively.

"Oh yeah? That sounds like a bet I can get behind," she smirks at me, leaning in for another kiss.

"So what does the winner get?" Paige asks when our lips disconnect.

"Pick your prize," I tell her.

Paige thinks for a second before saying, "Okay, assuming this will be happening tonight, if I win.....you have to show me your boobs once every thirty minutes tomorrow."

Well that's an odd request.

"What?!" I shove her shoulder lightly, "Thirty minutes?!"

"Fine," she sighs, "once every hour."

She can be so dirty sometimes.

"Does a picture count?"

Paige gasps.

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