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"You're all good!" Laura says to Azzi. She had came in for a check up on her knee before todays practice. Everything seems to be fine which is good. Paige came with her for her usual Monday session.

I've been eyeing Paige the whole time they've been here. She catches me staring every now and then and will give me this look that just..... ugh. It's so bad. I want her so bad all the time.

"Well, I'm gonna head," Azzi says as she goes to the door, leaving Paige with us.

"See ya," Paige nods to Azzi.

I take Paige over to where we like to do her exercises.

"Laur," Steve says standing up from his desk, "Do you want to help me out with something real quick?"

"Sure!" Laura says following him to the door.

"We'll be back in approximately..... twenty minutes?" Steve says to us and Laura nods in agreement before they slip out the door.

I turn to Paige and give her a confused look.

"They're acting weird," Paige says what I was thinking.

"Yeah," I say, "Anyway, lunge."

Paige does her exercises and I check all her boxes.

She then sits on the hi- lo table and I squat down in front of her. I feel her knee and smile up at her bright face smiling down at me before placing a kiss to her knee. It's like our thing at this point. Paige swears it's significantly helping her recovery.

I then stand up and lean over her, pressing another kiss to her lips. I don't know what's up with Laura and Steve, but I'm not complaining about them leaving me and Paige alone all the time.

Paige pulls me in and I hold her pretty face in my hands. She really is so pretty.

"What time does practice end today?" I ask her, stroking her silky pony tail.

"Six," she answers me, "Shouldn't you know that?"

"Why? You think my dad tells me?"

"I mean, you work here, so..."

I scoff, "I just know I can go home after you leave."

Paige smiles up at me, "You should stay for practice."

"What?" I ask her confused.

"Just watch practice. I'm sure your dad will let you. Unless you have better things to do."

"Why do you want me to watch practice?" I ask her.

"Because I miss you." She says simply. God, she's so cute.

"We are becoming clingy to the next level," I tell her.

Paige looks at me, channeling her begging puppy eyes, "Please."

Of course I automatically give into her.

"Yes, baby. Of course," I caress her face and lean in to kiss her.

I kiss her as I gently push her down so she's laying on her back. I pull away and look down at her.

"I'm going to perform a special treatment on you today, Ms. Bueckers," I tell her professionally.

"Oh," she says with a devious grin before telling me, "better not be a treatment that takes a long time. Someone could come in at any moment."

I wasn't dumb. I'm not going fuck Paige here. I just want to have a little fun.

"Hush," I tell her, putting my finger to her lips, "Be a good patient."

I don't know where this confident and dominant side of me comes from sometimes, but Paige seems to like it.

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