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Paige's Pov

I don't know why I was so nervous going to this cook out. I guess it's because I've never been to coach's house before. Oh who am I kidding? It's because it's Y/n's house. I don't even know if she'll be there. I hope she will.

I was car pooling with Azzi, Ines, Amari and Aaliyah. Azzi was driving and kept having trouble seeing out the back window because Ines was sitting in the middle between Amari and Aaliyah and her head was in the way. We stuck her in the middle because she's the shortest of us, but still too tall to see over her head. Now that's the reality of car pooling with a bunch of basketball players.

When we arrive, there are a few other cars in the drive way. It's a nice house. Big, but not like a mansion, and all white with a wrap around porch. The cookout started at six and it is just now 6:03. Fashionably late. Besides, it's not practice anyway.

Geno told us to just go around the house to his back yard and he would be out there grilling. We brought chips and drinks to help contribute.

When we walk around, sure enough, we are greeted by the smelling of grilling hamburger patties and hot dogs.

"Hey, girl's! About time you showed up!" Geno calls to us, waving a hand. "Make yourselves at home." He says, gesturing to his yard that has chairs and places to sit everywhere. He even has a nice patio with outdoor furniture, a fire pit and a TV, which was playing ESPN.

We join our friends, realizing we are the last to show up.

"Bout time y'all showed up." Nika says, scooting over on the outdoor sofa to make room for someone to sit with her.

We are all talking, mostly about the game last night. I, however, was wonder where Y/n was. I was disappointed I hadn't seen her yet. Maybe she's not here.

My thoughts get interrupted by a screen door creaking open. I look up and see Geno's wife carrying a batch of brownies, followed by a glorious ray of sunshine, coming in from behind her, carrying watermelon in a pretty white dress that stops mid thigh. Her hair was down and flowy and she looked to be moving in slow motion. Man, this is embarrassing how down bad I'm getting. I just loved how girly and feminine she was. How she dressed up all the time, even for this casual back yard cook out. While I on the other hand, am wearing cargo pants and Nike T shirt. The shirt does match my shoes though!

Y/n looks around as she follows her mom to the table where all the food is laid out. Her eyes finally land on me and the corners of my mouth turn up and I wave a hand at her. She lifts her hand back and grins with a blush.

I nod for her to come over and she looks unsure, looking at her parents then back at me but decides to come over anyway.

"Hey," I say as she comes over and sits in a chair beside mine.

"Hey," she says back, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Nice place." I tell her gesturing to our surroundings.

"Thanks. Congratulations, by the way, on the win last night."

I shrug and look around at the rest of the team, who actually got to play. "It was all them. I mean, Amari with the wining shot." Amari smiles over at us when I mention her. "And it couldn't have happened without Azzi and Nika pulling off that play. And Ines," I gesture to her, sitting across from us, "really pulled through. Great defense throughout the game. Definitely proved yourself to coach." I tell her because it's the truth.

"Thanks, man." She smiles gratefully.

"Yeah, I did see you play," Y/n speaks up, "You were really good."

Ines smiles wider and looks down bashfully. It almost looks like she's blushing.

"Thanks." She says in a less relaxed tone this time.

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