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I didn't end up spending the night with Caitlin at the hotel. I just couldn't. I had too much on my mind.

I do still like Caitlin and Paige still isn't giving me the time of day so I know I should try to keep this thing between me and Caitlin going.

There isn't any certain day she needs to go back to Iowa. The way she said it implied she wants to see me more. I'm thinking of when and where would be a good time for us to see each other next when my parents inform me that they're not going to be home this weekend.

I should invite Caitlin over. We've never just hung out before, we've only ever been somewhere doing something and, in my opinion, Netflix and chill is the best kind of date.

I text her immediately after gaining this information. This does make me kind of nervous. We won't be in public, we'll be alone. And we all know what me and Paige would do when we were alone.

I have trouble imagining having sex with Caitlin. I just don't like her like that. With Paige, I would stare at her and imagine taking her clothes off her body. With Caitlin, I don't have a problem with her clothes. They can stay on.

I also feel like it would kind of be a betrayal. It feels wrong to do things with someone else on the same bed, same room or even same house that I made sweet precious love with Paige in. God, no matter how hard I try, I can't pretend like Paige wasn't the best thing to ever happen to me.

I then try to think about having sex with Caitlin somewhere else that isn't my house, and I can't do that either. Not with the same body I made love to Paige in.

But it's early on in the relationship anyway. She probably wouldn't imagine us doing anything like that any time soon. We can just watch TV and play board games or something, I don't know.

But me and Paige watched TV on that couch and many other things. I can't do it. We're going to have to go out. But it's too late. I already told her I would be home alone all weekend.


Throughout the week, me and Caitlin have seen each other. Just getting lunch together and such. She plans on coming over to my house today. My parents already left and I'm currently trying to make a list of activities for us to do. I'm just scared of it being awkward or us going too far too soon.

My phone lights up with a notification.

Caitlin: Omw

What?! She's already on her way?! I get up and start pacing. Literally pacing. What's wrong with me? Why am I so nervous?

I then get an idea and go to text Caitlin. But she's driving. Eh, she'll be okay.

Me: Would u want to go to boutiques and the cafe down town?

She responds not long after saying yes and that she'd drive us. Ugh. That means she's gonna pick me up. I wonder if she'll want to come in? Do I ask her?

I just need to calm down and take a breath.

She calls me when she arrives and I take one last look in the mirror before going out to her car.

"Hey," she greets me with a smile.

"Hey," I smile back at her.

We listen to music at a low volume as we small talk on our way down town. I had to tell her where to go though. I don't know why she wanted to drive us considering this is my home town, not hers.

We stop by the cafe first, getting lattes before browsing through boutiques.

"You would look cute in this," she tells me, holding up a little puffy yellow dress. I can tell by her grin she's half joking.

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