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I'm kind of nervous for the whole Gatorade thing. It's probably going to be a bunch of athletes and famous people and I'm just going to be there. I'm sure other people will have plus ones, but those plus ones will probably be, as I said, other athletes and famous people. I'm not expecting to see Tom Holland and Zendaya there or anything, but people you can at least google search. And they will all be rich. Business people and athletes. That's what Paige told me to expect. But I'm not a business person or an athlete and I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb. Not to mention I'm also nervous about the possibility my dad will see pictures from the event and get suspicious about me and Paige's "friendship".

I've managed to distract myself from the nerves by getting ready. It's almost time to go so the nerves are starting to come back. Of course Paige doesn't seem nervous at all, she does these things all the time. And she obviously doesn't have to worry about not fitting in. There are people there probably dying to see her.

We're in her bedroom, Paige straightening her hair and I'm powdering my face in her mirror when suddenly she unplugs the straightener and grabs me from behind, turning me around to face her. Paige latches her mouth to my neck, sloppily biting and licking it.

"Paige," I gasp. I guess she's just really excited for the event?

She switches to the other side of my neck, leaving the first side cold from her absence and the wet of her saliva. I touch the area, starting to feel a little turned on. We have to go soon. I need to shut this down.

Paige pulls back, stopping her attack on my neck.

"Sorry," she says when she wipes my neck with her hand.

"No," I say, grabbing her hand, "I like it."

I know that it sounds like I'm trying to turn her on, but that's the exact opposite of what I need to be doing. But I just need her to know I like her slobber she left on me. Something that would normally be gross is absolutely hot when Paige does it.

Paige smirks at my words before diving back in, licking and biting and sucking all down the exposed part of my chest, pulling at my top for more. I shake my head, pushing her away, but she keeps relentlessly trying to keep going, resisting my attempts at holding her off.

I suddenly get an idea that seems like the only way to escape from Paige and hopefully get her to calm down. I look behind her to the door and count to three in my head before making a run for it.

"Y/n!" She calls behind me, chasing me.

I run into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me, adrenaline pumping. Paige trying twisting the door nob before banging on the door. I take a deep breath as my heart continues to pound. This feels nostalgically familiar to when I was little and would play intense games of chase with my cousins.

"Y/n, open the door!" Paige whines.

"No, Paige," I tell her sternly, "we need to get ready. We have to leave soon."

"Please," she begs, her voice less whiny and urgent and more desperate. My chest tightens at the sound of her plea.

"I need you," she continues, her voice meek and pitiful, making my stomach dip. It's like she's a homeless starving puppy, begging for a scrap of food. But she's not. She's a grown woman begging for sex.

I can feel her lean against the door as she stays quiet for a while.

"Y/n?" She breaks the silence and my heart with that weak and defeated voice she's acquired.

"Yes?" I respond, now leaning on the door myself. I really do just want to be close to her.

I hear her sigh as she shifts against the door.

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