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Everything felt normal at PT today which came as a surprise considering it is the first time all four of us have been in the same room since I caught Steve and Laura holding hands. We are all aware now. There's no way Steve didn't tell Laura about me and Paige after I caught them. Steve and Laura know about me and Paige and we know about them, yet everyone is acting normal.

I noticed Paige had covered up the marks on her neck I gave her yesterday with makeup. She didn't leave bad ones on me this time so I didn't really have to worry about it as long as I wore my hair down. I don't know why I enjoy the thought so much of Paige looking in her mirror concentrated, dabbing concealer over the mauve colored marks I left on her.

A stiff track runner came in earlier today. I had never thought a track runner would be stiff, but maybe he was just stiff for a track runner. Point is, Laura performed a muscle relaxing massage on him and taught me along the way. Now I want to try, and I obviously know who I'm going to try it on.

Paige came in extra early today so we'll have more than enough time for the message and her usual exercises.

Laura and Steve were doing paperwork and so graciously left me with Paige as usual.

"Right lunge," I tell her and she lunges.

"Good job," I tell her animatedly. We have to do these stupid exercises that she does without a problem every time so I get kind of bored of it. We always either just go through them super fast or goof off while doing them.

Paige rolls her eyes playfully at my praising her for doing a simple lunge.

"Now the other side," I say in an enthusiastic voice, "You can do it."

Paige just shakes her head at my antics.

"Great job!" I cheer when she's finished.

"You really are so good at it," I tell her when I go to check her knee.

"I try really hard," Paige says sarcastically. I want to kiss her so bad, but even though Steve and Laura know about us, it would still be weird to do with them in the room.

She swings her leg a little and I hold my hand over her knee.

"Okay. Now lay down," I order Paige and she gives me a questioning look.

"I'm going to give you a special massage," I tell her.

Paige gives me an incredulous look, gesturing to Steve and Laura.

"No, really. An actual professional massage. Laura taught me," I defend myself. Does this girl have any faith in me?

"Okay," Paige says wearily, lying down.

"You act like you don't trust me," I tell her, amused.

"I do!" She claims defensively.

"On your stomach," I tell her and she obeys, rolling over onto her stomach.

I get the roller Laura used on the track guy from the cabinet. I come back to Paige, her blue eyes staring at me as she waits patiently. I always feel nervous under her gaze. The way she stares at people is so intense. Like are you judging me? Trying to read my mind? Hypnotize me? Definitely hypnotize me.

I roll the backs of her legs and she sighs contently.

"That feels good," she says drowsily. I smile at her satisfaction, feeling complimented. I hope I don't put her to sleep before practice though.

I then put the roller down to and go to start the massage on her back. I start at her lower back, pulling her shirt up a little. Laura didn't do this but it helps me see where I'm supposed to press. The two subtle indentations on the small of her back are where I press down on and create slow circular motions, hopefully relieving any tension. I keep working and peek at Paige's face to see her eyes are shut.

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