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With Paige playing again, we've been winning way more games than last season. Both her and my dad couldn't be happier. And me too, of course.

Paige's birthday was last week and we threw a huge surprise party for her. The whole team plus me and my dad.

My dad has made some major progress with accepting me and Paige. He still makes us keep my bedroom door open when she spends the night though.

It's a couple days before Halloween and we are having a scary movie night at the house with my parents. We're watching Smile and it's really creepy. I hate scary movies but my dad loves them and suggested that we watch one tonight. Paige automatically agreed and mentioned this movie.

My mom and dad are on the couch and me and Paige are on the loveseat together. She told me not to be scared of the movie because she'd protect me from all the ghosts and demons. I rolled my eyes but she is the most christianly person I know. She'll be like my human crucifix.

We've only just started and someone has already died and now the main character is being haunted. Paige's arm is around me and my dad noticed it at first, but now he's too occupied by the movie to care about me and Paige's proximity on the couch.

The background music builds up and I'm bracing myself for another jump scare. I flinch and cover my face with my hands when I think it's going to happen.

Turns out it was a false alarm and Paige quietly laughs at me.

I nudge her in the side then suddenly a jump scare does happen and we both scream, grabbing onto each other.

"Bunch of sissies," my dad chuckles.

"I wasn't scared, coach," Paige says, "I was just playin."

"Sure," my dad says before mockingly screaming like a little girl.

"It was a joke," Paige defends herself.

It was not a joke. She was not pretending to be scared.

"It's okay," I whisper to her, "It was a scary scene."

Paige tries to shrug it off and act tough.

We continue to watch the movie and Paige actually doesn't so much as flinch at any of the other scary scenes. Is she trying to prove something?

"I gotta use the bathroom," Paige whispers to me.

I just nod because I don't want to go with her and leave my parents to conspire.

She gets up, leaving me alone on the couch.

"Hurry," I whisper after her.

"I will," she whispers back.

The plot of the movie is thickening and I become interested in it. I still don't understand what is possessing people and why, but I'm growing eager to find out. Hopefully there are no more jump scares though.

The main character is in her childhood home now that is very creepy looking. My body is tense as I feel like a monster or demon is going to come out around a corner any time now.

My attention is focused on the screen when two hands grab my shoulders from behind, making me squeal and jump.

Paige laughs as well as both my parents as she comes from behind the couch.

"Paige," I gasp, "You scared me. Don't do that."

"I'm sorry," she says, "I couldn't resist."

She doesn't sound sorry.

She sits back down beside me but I scoot away from her, sitting as far away from her as possible on the loveseat.

"Oh, come on," Paige scoots closer to me but I lean away from her.

She's expecting me to cuddle back up with her after she just scared the life out of me? I don't think so.

Paige gives up and settles on her side of the couch. I'm not really mad at her and I'm sure she knows that.

After a while I peek over at her and think about forgiving her, then the movie suddenly gets terrifying. This huge monster woman starts chasing the main character and I instinctively cling to Paige.

She doesn't say "that's what I thought" or give me any sass, instead she just holds me.

"That's enough," my dad's voice sounds, "it's not that scary, y/n. A little space, please."

I roll my eyes and groan as I start to back off Paige, but then the scary monster lady starts ripping her face open.

"Ew," Paige comments, struggling to watch and I choose to completely look away, burying my face in the crook of her neck.

"Yeah, that's pretty bad," my dad says.

The movie ends and we all go off to bed.

"Door open," my dad calls after us.

"Okay," we call back in unison.

Paige follows me into my room and shuts and locks the door behind her.

Already showered and ready for bed, I get under my covers. Paige stays standing at my door and stares at me.

"What?" I ask her.

She starts to smile with emotionless eyes like the possessed people in the movie.

"Oh my gosh, Paige," I groan, looking away from her, "stop. Get in bed."

She doesn't say anything and starts to walk towards me with that creepy smile on her face. Okay, now I'm getting a little freaked out.

I watch her as she gets closer and closer and when she starts to get on the bed, I actually flinch.

The creepy smile immediately leaves her face and is replaced with guilt.

"I'm sorry, baby," she joins me in bed, cuddling up to me, "I was just playin."

"Well stop playing," I tell her, rolling over to face away from her.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry," she spoons me from behind and I can't help but go soft.

"I promise I won't do it anymore," she pleads.

I turn back over to look at her. She gives me her puppy dog eyes and that pouty lip of hers and I know it's over.

"Pinky promise," I stick my pinky finger up.

Paige's pout turns into a grin at my proposal.

"Pinky promise," she says, curling her pinky around mine.

I cuddle into her, nuzzling my face in her chest and she kisses the top of my head. She is so cuddly and warm.

"It was just a movie, baby," she tells me, "nothing's gonna get you."

Most the time after watching a scary movie, I would be up all night, scared of ghosts and monsters under my bed and in the closet, but with Paige here, I know I won't be.

We turn out the lamp and I fall asleep just fine in Paige's arms.

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