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It's finally Friday. We don't have our PT session with Paige today since they didn't have practice.

"Do you have any plans this weekend, y/n?" Laura asks me during my last hour of interning for the day. She usually asks me this on Fridays but today it gives me butterflies. I contemplate just how I should answer.

"Um, yeah," I say because I just can't keep it completely to myself, "I'm going on a date actually."

"What! Really?! Would I know them?" I suddenly have Laura full undivided attention.

Oh yes, Laura. You know the person very well.

"No, you wouldn't," I tell her simply.

"Oh, come on! Try me. I know everyone!"

Ugh, Laura.

"Maybe she doesn't want to disclosed that kind of personal information," Steve interviens, not looking up from his newspaper. Wow. He really just saved me there. What an ally.

I spend all afternoon getting ready. Paige told me I don't have to dress super nice but I can still be cute. I'm glad she said that because I've been planning all week on wearing this perfect dress I found at my favorite boutique Tuesday after school. Its black, but not too sexy. It hugs my waist and loosens as it falls mid thigh with ribbons that tie into bows for straps. It's got a casual look to it so I think I can get away with wearing it tonight.

I told my dad I was going to "hang out with Paige" in the most casual way possible. He seems to be buying the whole "friends" thing which is good.

I don't get any texts from her as our date time approaches. Instead, there's a knock at the door downstairs. I hear my dad open it before I can make it down the stairs.

"Hey, Paige," he greats her as if he didn't totally offend her last weekend, "Come on in!"

She's coming through the door when I make it downstairs. She looks so fine. I can't help but be nervous.

"Hey," she says to me as I join them in the living room. She looks me up and down, taking in my appearance like I'm a fascinating statue at an art museum, making me even more nervous.

"Hey," I sound nervous. I hope my dad doesn't pick up on that.

"You ready to go?" Paige asks me, not wasting any time.

"Yep!" I answer, whisking past my dad and following Paige out the door.

As soon as we're outside, she turns to look at me.

"You look so amazing," she tells me, her voice all breathy.

I don't know if it's what she said or the way she said it, but I feel like I can't breath. Being under her gaze is enough to disable me.

"Y- you too," I finally choke out.

"You're doing it again," Paige now smiles lightly.

"What?" I ask confused.

"That thing where you get all nervous," she says as she turns around to go to her car.

"Well sorry I don't make you nervous," I sass her, following her to her car.

She opens the passenger door for me, "That's not true."

She shuts my door for me after I get in. She goes over to the drivers side and gets in, starting the car.

"Oh!" she says suddenly remembering something, reaching in the back seat. She pulls out a bouquet of red roses. My favorite. How did she know that?

"These are for you," she tells me sweetly, holding them out for me and I take them.

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