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Birds chirping outside as sunlight spills in through my windows is what brings me out of a deep sleep. Before I even open my eyes, I'm feeling something completely different compared to how it usually feels waking up. I first notice that my head doesn't feel like it's on a pillow. Instead, I feel warm skin against my cheek. Second, I realize I'm completely naked and suddenly all the memories from last night come flooding in. What a night.

I squint my eyes open and when I do, my focus lands on the surroundings of my room across from me. However, in my lower periphery I see what couldn't be mistaken for anything but Paige's boobs. Paige's boobs that were so close to my face, I was basically laying on one of them. My stomach dips and I have to remind myself to keep my cool. I lift my head off Paige's chest and look down at her to see that she's awake, baby blues peeking through heavy lids.

"Mornin' beautiful," she rasps out in her glorious morning voice.

"Morning," I say back, "even more beautiful."

Paige just smiles at me all blushy and cute as I admire her beautiful face. It's when I notice the smudged mascara under her eyes that I realize something horrible.

"Oh no," I gasp.

"What?" Paige asks concerned.

"We slept with makeup on!" I whisper yell. Paige bursts out laughing so hard she leans over the side of the bed.

"This is not a laughing matter!" I exclaim.

"I thought," Paige wheezes unable to finish her sentence. "I thought you were gonna say we forgot to use protection."

She continues laughing hysterically as I jump out of bed and throw some clothes on before heading to the bathroom to wash my face.

"I'm going to have the biggest break out of my life and your not gonna want to see me anymore!" I call over my shoulder.

"Never gonna happen," I hear Paige call back as she gets out of bed, following me.

When she joins me in the bathroom, I continue ranting, "I've never slept with makeup on."

"Well then you are definitely a virgin," Paige remarks before correcting herself with a smirk, "Were a virgin."

She leans over my shoulder trying to distract me from saving my skin so I smear some makeup removing oil cleanser on her face and she flinches back a little.

"No makeup wipes?" She asks.

"They cause micro tears." I tell her.

"What's that?" She asks as I rub the oil cleanser into her skin.

"Something that will make you age faster," I answer her before looking down at her still naked body.

"Where are your clothes?" I ask her, forcing my eyes back up to hers.

"In your room," she answers.

"Why? Does my nudity offend you?"

I scoff at her, "Definitely not. That's why you need to put clothes on."

"Oh," Paige says smirking. I look back down at her body, now noticing a reddish purple bruise on one of her breasts. I pull her hair back to see another on her neck.

Paige looks at my neck too and smiles. We both look in the mirror to see the hickeys and love marks we'd given each other last night. I marked Paige way worse than she did me, a good size hickey on the side of her neck and one literally on her tit.

"Mine aren't that bad," I say, examining the tiny purple marks trailing down my neck that would probably be gone by tomorrow. I then see Paige smirking knowingly in the mirror. I look at her quizzically before she reaches over and pulls the neck of my t shirt down to reveal a big purple bruise on my collarbone. My jaw drops. It looks like a wound from a tragic event like a car crash or like I've been beaten.

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