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I think this is the first time I've planned on spending the night at Paige's and actually packed a bag. Not going to lie though, I would like the excuse to wear her clothes.

Azzi is on the couch watching tv when we enter their apartment. We should've invited her on our girls day.

"Hey," she greets us, "buy something cute?"

"Uh, two hoodies and new jeans," Paige tells her, throwing her bags on the couch.

"Put those in your room," Azzi fusses at Paige.

"I put them there so you can see what I got!" Paige argues.

"What about you, y/n? What did you get?" Azzi asks me, ignoring Paige's defensive come back.

"Just some makeup and a new top," I tell her.

"Nothing else?" Paige asks, smirking.

I feel my cheeks heat up, "I don't know, that's about it really."

"You sure," Paige continues taunting me. It's not a big deal or anything to be embarrassed about, I just feel awkward telling someone I don't really know that I got new sexy bras and panties from the mall.

"Paige, quite tormenting her," Azzi takes up for me, not curious about what it is Paige is teasing me for.

Paige takes the bags out of my hands and nods to her  room, "C'mon, baby."

She never fails to make me a flustered mess.

"And your own bags?" Azzi says to Paige sarcastically.

Paige sighs in annoyance and I go to grab her bags off the couch for her.

Me and Paige end up having a movie night with Azzi in the living room. I kind of feel bad when I realize this is the first time I've really been around Azzi. Either Paige or Azzi herself kick her out when I come over. I hope she doesn't feel like I'm steeling Paige from her. I know if Daisy got a boyfriend and constantly ditched me for him I would be furious. Azzi seems to like me though.

For Azzi's sake, me and Paige have been keeping our affections to a minimum. Paige does have her arm around my shoulders though, keeping me close to her warm body. We haven't been kissing or anything though. We're practicing self control.

It's not until I notice Paige's hold around my shoulders has loosened, that I look over at her and realize she's asleep. Her eyes closed and head tilted back against the couch, lips slightly parted as she breathes slowly.

This makes a smile come to my face.

"I swear, she falls asleep during every movie," says Azzi.

"Really?" I laugh quietly at the new information.

"Yes. She has the attention span of a goldfish," Azzi tells me. That would explain why she doesn't like reading.

Moving as little as possible, trying not to wake her up, I reach for the throw blanket by our feet. I drape it over her and continue watching the movie.

"Are you a simp?" Azzi asks me suddenly.

Kind of caught off guard, it takes me a while to answer.

"Not trying to be rude or anything," Azzi backtracks.

"No, yeah. I kind of am," I admit.

"Paige says you're crazy for her," Azzi says, making me feel somewhat uneasy again.

"But don't worry. The feelings are reciprocated," she assures me, "Paige prefers girls who know what they want over the hard to get type."

"Good to know," I say quietly.

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