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I find that after having sex with Paige, I don't want to get up. Probably why it's best I go last. I just want to lay there with her. That's another thing. I can't be without her after. Until every drop of sweat is gone and every inch of my body feels back to normal, I don't want to be without her. I can't just walk around without her while the feeling of her still lingers between my thighs. That's why dread hits me when I realize it's getting dark outside and they have a game tomorrow. She might not want me to spend the night. Even though she doesn't play, I don't know what she does to get ready for games. Plus my car isn't here because she insisted on driving me here today.

I sigh deeply as I stop tracing my fingers along her stomach.

"What's wrong?" Paige asks, breaking the comfortable silence we were basking in.

"I guess I gotta go home soon," I say. She stops stroking my hair and shifts under me, making me lift my head off her chest.

She's now looking at me with furrowed brows.

"Why?" She asks.

Was she expecting me to stay?

"I mean, you have a game tomorrow," I say. It's an important game too. Against Virginia Tech. It determines who makes it to the final four.

"I can just take you home in the morning on my way to the gym," Paige says sweetly before placing a small kiss on my lips.

"Oh, okay," I say, satisfied with her answer and we resume cuddling.

We end up showering together because why not save hot water? Since we were both pretty tired, there wasn't any funny business in the shower. Strictly washing off.

Paige lends me clean clothes to sleep in and turns something on the TV, but we both end up dosing off. I fall asleep with the TV still running and I think Paige does too, but when I wake up in the middle of the night, it's turned off, the room dark and Paige cuddled up to my side. This is quality sleep, I think as I nuzzle into her, falling back asleep.

Before I know it, I'm stirring awake from the sound of an alarm. The sound eventually ends and I fall back asleep easily, but a not a deep sleep. I'm frequently brought back to a half awake state by random bustling noises like someone is getting ready. It's literally still dark outside.

I'm fully asleep again when hot air fans my face along with a soft voice interrupting my sleep, "It's time to wake up. I gotta be at the gym soon."

In my half awake, half asleep state, I turn over hoping the voice will go away. Instead, the side of the bed behind me sinks down and I feel a presence hovering over me. I then feel lips against my cheek, relentlessly placing kisses on my face until I give way to consciousness.

The room is still dark so it doesn't hurt to open my eyes. I turn my head to see Paige, the assumed culprit.

"So, that's how to wake you up," she says quietly, grinning down at me. I just smile at her in response. I am not a morning person.

"Good morning," she tells me sweetly, brushing my hair out of my face gently.

"Good morning,"I say back.

Paige then stands up and I notice she's dressed and ready for the day. When I don't get out of bed as well, she leans back down to pull the covers off me, but when she does, I grab her shirt and pull her to me.

Paige laughs lightly at my actions and has trouble resisting. I manage to pull her down on her bed with me and wrap my arm around her, holding her comfortably as I rest my head back down, breathing in her scent.

"No," Paige says through laughter, "We have to go."

Contrary to what she's saying, Paige doesn't try to get back up. She lets me cuddle her for a little while until it's apparently really time to go.

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