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Y/n pov

On the drive home from the gym, I was flustered to say the least. Paige looked at me! She really looked at me! I was so awkward though. I've never been good at holding eye contact, whether it's with my crush casually laying their eyes on me across a gym or my great aunt Greta telling me a cookie recipe, thinking i'll remember it if she stares hard enough into my eyes, through my soul.

When I get home, I say hi to my mom before heading up to my room. I fall on my bed and close my eyes, taking a deep breath. I pictured Paige in my head while doing so, her pretty blue eyes, piercing through my heart. I would most definitely be overthinking what happened as I fall asleep tonight.

When I open my eyes, I reach for my phone, looking at the screen. Among other notifications, one stood out, from Instagram: Paige Bueckers 💕 started following you. My eyes widened as I stared at the notification. I clicked on it and it went to Paige's account. Just to make sure this was real, I go to her following. And there I was. I let out a shriek before jumping and dancing around my room like I just got asked out or something. I didn't even think she knew my name, unless my dad mentions me or something. I have been following her for a while..... like a long while. Like probably over a year. And she's just now following me back.

I stop and look down. "Damn, this skirt must be magic." I say out loud. I facetime Daisy since the skirt was her idea in the first place.

As soon as her face appears I tell her the news before she can even say hello.

"Oh. My. God." she says, "You need to take me shopping more often."

"I know right!" I laugh before she looks more serious. "But in all seriousness, this isn't the sisterhood of the traveling pants. She likes you."

"Okay, no. In all seriousness this isn't a her asking me on a date. It's an Instagram follow." I tell her. "It's actually probably just her being friendly. She seems to be a really friendly person."

"Just being friendly? She definitely searched you up after seeing you at practice." Daisy contradicts me.

"Or maybe Instagram sent her that thing that's like, 'follow these people back.'"

Daisy gives me a, "seriously" look before explaining to me, "That girl has a million followers. Instagram ain't sending her that shit. Even if she weren't famous, that would be way too unlikely for Instagram to send her that right after she saw you tonight. So right now you're actually not being delusional by thinking she likes you. You're being delusional if you think otherwise."

"Good point." I give her. There's just one more thing. "But I don't even know if she's gay."

Daisy snorts. "Girl! I'm straight! Which means I don't even have a gay-dar! But that girl wears basketball shorts off the court and her pant of choice is cargoes. And it's not straight to search other girls up like this."

I sigh. "Okay, fine. Now I'm gonna overthink it and prepare myself for a proposal instead of counting sheep tonight."

"You're welcome!" Daisy says cheerily. "Wait!" She says right after. "Are you gonna dm her?"

"No." I answer shortly.

"Unlike and re-like her three most recent posts?"


"Two most recent?"

"No! Daisy, all she did was follow me back. If she really likes me, she can make a real first move."

Daisy scoffs, "A wise person once told me that in the lesbian world, femmes have to make the first move on mascs because the mascs have no way of telling that the femmes aren't straight. That person was you by the way."

"Okay, first of all," I start, "I wouldn't categorize Paige as a masc. I mean, she's more of like a tomboy- doesn't matter! Second, I don't want to make a fool of myself and last but certainly not least, my father! He doesn't even know I'm gay, I don't know if he would even support it, and Paige is one of his players! He probably doesn't want any of them distracted, but especially not by me, his daughter. Oh, and he probably doesn't want me seeing someone. Especially, one of them!"

"Okay, okay. I give up." Daisy surrenders. "Hey, have you studied for that exam Monday?"

"Ughhh.... I will tomorrow." I tell her.

After we hang up, the epiphany of a lifetime comes to my head. Although I had just convinced my best friend of why I shouldn't see Paige, I hadn't successfully convinced myself in the process. I don't know how I hadn't thought of this before. Probably because I had more controlled and sensible thoughts before now. I am majoring in human biology, planning to be a physical therapist one day, and Paige is recovering from a torn acl. There are special physical therapists for the team. Like specifically for the women's basketball team at UCONN. I could talk to my dad and my professors and get an internship with their physical therapists! Maybe this could lead to me seeing Paige more often. Maybe even.... working with her. But I don't need to get my hopes up.


"Yeah, honey, I think it would be great to get you an internship. I can talk to Steve and Laura about it today." Dad says before shoving another fork full of scrambled eggs in his mouth.

"I don't know why I haven't thought of it before." he says incredulously. Yeah, me either Dad. Me either.

During church, my dad nudges my shoulder and shows me his phone, texts from Steve and Laura that say they would love to have me as an intern. I grin and give him a thumbs up and he gives me one too. My mom lightly slaps my arm from my other side to make me pay attention to the sermon.

At the Mexican restaurant we were eating lunch at after church, me and my dad discussed my internship, what days I would go and how long I would stay. He told me it's all up to Steve and Laura on what I can do. I was excited. Not just because this might be a way for me to see Paige, but because this could be really good for getting a job when I graduate.

"So...." I look at my dad. "Do you think I'll get to help, like, hands on?" I ask my dad.

"Like work with the players?" my dad asks.

"Uh... yeah?"

"Well, maybe. But Steve or Laura would probably have to be there with you." he tells me.

"I mean, unless anyone else gets hurt," my dad crosses his fingers, "Paige is the only one recovering from a serious injury." he tells me and I kick myself when I feel a blush come to my face at the mention of her.

I remember the night Paige got hurt. It was heart wrenching. The way she collapse to the floor in pain after passing the ball to someone else. I felt like I was going to throw up from the sight. Then when I saw her crying, I couldn't take it and had to look away. I cried. My mom rubbed my back and told me I had a big heart for being so empathetic to someone I don't even know. If only she knew. She was right about me not really knowing her, but she didn't know how bad I wanted to. She didn't know if it were any of the other players, I'd only be half as concerned.

"Well, you start tomorrow." my dad announces happily.

"I can't wait."

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