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Y/n's Pov

Interning has become more enjoyable than I ever thought possible when I get to see Paige. She's come to her other two sessions this week early and even comes on days she doesn't have to. I think Steve and Laura are definitely starting to get suspicious but I don't think they would ever share their suspicions with my dad. Besides, for all they know, me and Paige are just good friends.

It's now Friday night and my parents are about to leave, which means Paige is about to come over. I've already deep cleaned the whole house and hid anything in my room that could possibly be embarrassing. I cleaned the litter box, washed all the dishes in the sink, swept, vacuumed, everything.

"Well I'm loving this cleaning mood you're in." Mom tells me after my dad jokingly questioned if I was having someone over and I almost choked.

"Thank you for appreciating my hard work, Mom." I thank her sarcastically, narrowing my eyes at my dad.

"So, what time will you guys be back anyway?" I ask as nonchalantly as possible.

"Hmmm. About ten if we decide to go to that desert place afterwards." My mom tells me as she zips up her boots. I mentally fist pump because it's just now only six so me and Paige will have plenty of time together.

"Cool. I'll hold the fort down." I laugh awkwardly.

Thankfully, they don't pay any attention to my awkwardness as they get ready to leave.

I go ahead and text Paige that they are almost gone.

"Well, we'll see you honey." My mom says as they head out the door.

"See you, bye!"

"Bye!" They say in unison before shutting the door. I can tell that they are excited about their date night. With Dad's coaching and Mom's job, they hardly have any time to do fun things.

I look at my phone to see a message from Paige: On my way

Excitement bubbles up in me when I see her text. She didn't even abbreviate it to Omw. I swoon as I fall onto the couch dramatically. I don't even know what we're going to do when she gets here. Kiss, definitely. The thought that kissing will inevitably happen makes me even more excited and nervous and just.... ahhhh.

But seriously, what could we do? It's my house, I'm going to be the hostess, I need to come up with activities or something for us to do. Activities? This isn't a play date. Besides, she can only stay for less than four hours if my parents are going to be back by ten.

I overthink until I start to wonder if this is a date. And what are we? This isn't a date because we aren't going anywhere. And as for what we are, we're not dating. We aren't just friends. Are we friends with benefits? To be fair, we were never really friends at all. There is obvious attraction between us. I guess for now we are just two people interested in each other that enjoy each others company.

Before I know it there is a knock on the door. I swear to God I almost piss myself. I dart over to the door and stop before opening it, remembering I need to try to act cool. Like I totally wasn't waiting for her on the couch probably five feet away from the door. I take a deep breath shake my hands through my hair and drape it over my shoulders then smooth my hands over my shirt. When I open the door, she's standing their in a pink T shirt and grey sweat pants with her hair worn down again, falling over her shoulders. She looks up to smile at me with that adorable smile of hers.

"Hey," She says and I snap out of my trance.

"Hey," Dear God, I'm already embarrassing myself.

I pull the door all the way open and stand to the side for her to come in.

She walks in looks around before looking at the shoes by the door and my bare feet, seeing that this is a no-shoes house and takes her shoes off. I wonder if she's as nervous as I am?

"Just make yourself at home," I tell her and she grins over at me.

I go in the living room and grab the remote, "Do you want to watch TV?" I ask her because I can't think of anything better for us to do.

"I thought we were going to bake." She says catching me off guard. "That's the whole reason I'm here anyway, right?" she jokes.

"Oh, yeah. Duh." I laugh.

"You've got to teach me your ways. Those cookies were gas." She complements me and I can't help but to blush.

"Well," I go to the kitchen and she follows me, "Do you want to try out cupcakes this time? So we don't get burnt out on my cookies."

"Sure!" She says leaning against the counter.

I start getting out all of the ingredients as I ask her, "Did you eat all your cookies?"

"Yes, I devoured them all." She tells me, "Well, Azzi had one, but I ate the rest all by myself. I better watch myself around you." She says patting her stomach, implying she would gain weight. I laugh at her as I lay out all of the ingredients. I go over to her and place my hand on her flat stomach, "I don't think that could happen."

The atmosphere suddenly went from silly to one of tension and desire. Paige looks at me now with no humor or sarcasm in her eyes. She looks like how she does before she kisses me. Which was right now. She leans forward to capture my lips in hers. I let my hand fall down her stomach and hold her hip. Her lips are so soft as they move against mine. Her hands find their way to my waist like they always do and she pulls me against her. Feeling her body on mine is a feeling so good I could never describe. Her lips then move down to my neck and I hold in a gasp at the sensation. I've never done this before so it all felt so foreign and new but in the best way possible. I find myself breathing out of my mouth as she kisses my neck so tenderly. I bring my hands up to hold her head. Her hair was so soft as I stroked it gently. I feel her teeth graze my skin lightly before she bites it, but not hard. A soft sigh leaves my lips when I suddenly realize what we're doing. I pull away from her begrudgingly because I don't want to go too far too fast. Paige groans in disappointed which makes me not want to end the moment even more.

"Don't we have cupcakes to make?" I ask her and she looks at me with a pouty face.

"Stop being cute and come on." I tell her forcing myself to turn and start putting the dry ingredients in a bowl.

"But I can't." She says cheekily.

Making these cupcakes without getting distracted is going to be challenging.

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