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Paige's Pov

Amari stares me down as soon as Y/n leaves and I know why, but I play dumb, "What?"

"You did not just rizz up Geno's daughter." Amari says judgmentally.

"And what if I did?" I respond as I get off the bench.

"Oh, and let me guess, you were only doing chest presses because she was in here." Amari states the obvious again.

"I don't see why you guys act like me and her would be such a scandal. I mean, even if anything happens between us, coach doesn't have to know." I grin slyly at the end of my sentence.

"Whatever, P. No one can stop you I guess." Amari says before thinking, "Well, coach could."


When six o'clock rolls around, I make my way to the PT office. I didn't really know what was going on with me and Y/n but whatever it is, I like it and no matter what my friends say or that nagging voice in the back of my head that's telling me I shouldn't, I am going to see her tonight.

It's 5:55 and I'm standing by the door when I realize if I don't want coach to find out about this, I better not let Steve and Laura see me. I decide to go hide in the doorway of the locker rooms and wait there.

At 5:58, the PT door opens and out walks all three of them laughing about something.

I wonder if she forgot about seeing me? Steve and Laura both head for the back door and Y/n hangs back, looking around. So, she didn't forget.

The second I here the back door close I pop out from the doorway, "Boo!"

She actually jumps and I laugh at her reaction.

"God, you scared me!" She exclaims.

"I can tell," I tease her before nodding towards where the court is, "Come on."

I jog down the empty hall and she follows behind me.

"Is anyone else here?" she asks me.

"Not that I'm aware of. Do you know where your dad is?"

"Home, I think." she responds as she catches up to me.

We enter the gym as I comment, "If your dad or any assistant coaches show up, I'll just say you're forcing me to teach you how to play basketball."

"Why would I force you to teach me basketball?"

"Because you want to try out for the team next season," I reply sarcastically.

"My dad would never believe that." she laughs as I get a basketball from the rack. I dribble it down the court before doing a layup. I dribble back over to her and pass her the ball, "Wanna play one on one?"

She scoffs, "That's not fair at all. I wouldn't even make it on a high school JV team if I tried out."

"I'll go easy on you." I promise her.

"Fine," she passes the ball back to me, "but I don't even know where to start." She says.

"Here, just try to get the ball from me and make a shot." I tell her as I dribble back on the court. She follows me and I feel her lingering, just standing behind me.

"I told you, I was never good at the whole aggressive thing." She stalls.

I stand right in front of her and dribble the ball. "Come on, just grab it from me." I say encouragingly.

She sighs dramatically and I notice that she sighs quite often whether she's frustrated or bored or just content. I find I quite like it, actually.

She then lunges forward and grabs the ball from me and I let her have it. "Don't forget to dribble," I call after her as she goes down the court toward the basket. She shoots and it actually goes in.

"Nice," I say as I rebound the ball, "you're not as bad as you let on."

"You let me have it." she looks at me like seriously?

"Hey, you made a shot. Nothin' but net." I try to compliment her.

I then dribble it back to the half court line and shoot. It goes in and I feel extra good about myself because she was here to see it.

"Impressive," she comments as she rebounds the ball.

I jog over to her and give her a warning look, "I'm coming for ya."

She looks at me in mock terror as she tries to dribble away but I catch her. I swat at the ball from behind her. I'm obviously not trying, but she lets out a little squeal when I almost take it from her.

Y/n's Pov

Feeling her body hovering behind me was making it hard to focus on keeping the ball from her. Every time she would reach for it with her long arms and when our bodies would touch. I couldn't handle it. We were both giggling but hers was more lighthearted, mine was nervous laughter. Hopefully she can't tell. She reaches again and I stop dribbling, holding onto the ball and try to turn. She grabs onto the ball from behind me, making it impossible to breath from her arms being wrapped around me like this.

I then stop fighting and loosen my grip on the ball and let her take it from me.

I turn to see her looking at me slightly confused. I step closer to her, feeling bold. Our eyes were locked, nothing but the basketball in her hands between us. I could stare at her forever. Her eyes were beautiful blue and piercing into mine, her lips were pink and slightly parted and I wanted to kiss them so bad. I started to lean in closer when a door opened suddenly. We both jumped back from each other and looked to see who it was. I was supersized to see it was my dad.

He wasn't looking near us, then he looked up and did a double take.

"Hey," he said surprised.

"Hey, coach." Paige said casually with a nod.

"What are you doing here, Y/n?" my dad asks me as if seeing me here were the weirdest thing in the world.

"Just.... goofin' off." I answer him as nonchalant as possible.

"I didn't know you guys were buddies." My dad says confused as he searches for something in his desk.

"Oh, yeah," Paige says, saving me from having to come up with something. "We've just seen each other around and hit it off. Plus PT and all."

"Well, that's unexpected," my dad chuckles lightly and I feel relieved. It felt like we were being interrogated there for a second.

"You better be ready for practice tomorrow, Bueckers. We're going hard at it before the game Thursday." My dad warns.

"Yes sir." Paige calls out as she starts spinning the ball on her fingers.

"You ready to go home, Y/n? It's starting to get late." My dad asked me. It couldn't have been seven o'clock yet and I brought my own self today so he's not my ride.

I look from him to Paige who sticks out her bottom lip, pouting. God, does she have to cute like this right now?

"Yeah, I'll probably leave here in a sec," I tell him as he's headed to leave as well.

"Me too," Paige says to the air because it's obvious my dad doesn't care as he doesn't acknowledge her.

"Okay, see you at home." He says to me before leaving, the door shutting behind him.

That was weird. I turn to look at Paige who is still holding the basketball in her hands.

"So..... I guess I'm gonna go." She says awkwardly.

"Me too." I sigh. She turns to leave and I hate to leave on this awkward note.

"Paige, wait." I call out to her after she take a couple steps. She turns around to look at me.

"I had fun." I tell her honestly, feeling heat rise to my face once again. Her lips spread into a smile, "Me too." Then she heads for the door and I feel my heart yearn for her before she's even out of sight.

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