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The final four games are tomorrow. It's us against LSU and Iowa against South Carolina. I still haven't decided if I am going or not. I honestly don't want to, but there's a part of me that feels they I'd be missing out. Sure, I've been missing out on everything since the break up, but this would be really missing out.

I need to start doing things and talking to people again. Daisy has tried to call me a few times but I never answer. I'm just never in the mood to talk. Because what are we going to talk about? I can't imagine talking about anything but Paige. Everything else just seems stupid and unimportant. But if we talk about Paige, I won't like to hear what Daisy has to say. I don't want her advice and I don't want her saying mean things about Paige or tell me that I'm too good for her. None of it would be true and it would just make me mad.

I'm walking through campus to my biology class. It's a nice day. It's warm and sunny and really feels like spring. If only the happy weather could penetrate into my soul and make me happy too.

I hear someone behind me say Hey, but I assume they're talking to someone near me and not me. It's not until they say my name that I realize they're talking to me and I turn around. I'm surprised when I see Nika.

"Y/n! Hey," she says, beaming at me. I'm so confused. Why is she talking to me? It's so random.

"Oh, um, hi," I say, cringing at how awkward I am as she walks up beside me.

"So how have you been? I haven't talked to you in forever!" I'm caught off guard by her cheery attitude and her implication that we have ever talked to each other. We might have briefly exchanged words when I was with Paige, but we've never really talked one on one.

"Good," I lie on instinct, "you?"

"I'm fine," she says, "but enough about me, how are you?"

She already asked me that.

"I'm good," I say again.

"So what have you been up to?"

I'm feel so put on the spot by her question. I haven't really been doing much of anything. Like Oh yeah! I've just been going to my classes and rotting in my bedroom crying over one of your besties!

"Not much," I say instead.

"Oh, come on, tell me more than that," she nudges my arm, same bright smile still on her face. She is being really pushy about what I've been doing.

"Nothing really to say. My life is pretty mundane," I tell her.

"That a fancy word," she comments. "But have you been happy with your mundane life?"

What the actual fuck? Am I being interrogated? I look up and see we're approaching the building of my class. Thank God.

"I gotta go. This is my stop," I say, "Nice talking to you."

"Bye!" She calls after me.


When I get home after my last class of the day, I'm starving for lunch. However, my plans of fixing myself a sandwich are put on hold when I open the door and see we have guests.

"Y/n! You're home!" My dad cheers, happier to see me than usual. I recognize my dad's friend Bryan smiling at me, but I don't recognize the boy with him who looks about my age.

"You know Bryan," my dad says, clapping his shoulder. Yes, I do. The last time I saw him, I was with Paige.

"Well this is his son Clayton," my dad gestures to the boy I've never seen before.

"Nice to meet you," I say with a forced smile. What is with the weird encounters I'm having with random people today?

"It's very nice to meet you," the boys nods to me. The way he says very makes me feel uncomfortable.

"Clayton's just turned 20. You guys are the same age!" My dad is starting to freak me out. The final four is tomorrow. Doesn't he have better things to be doing right now than trying to match make me and Bryan's kid?

"Cool," I say awkwardly and try to leave the scene but Dad stops me.

"Wait a minute! Come and hang out with us."

"I have some homework to do actually," I try again but he shakes his head.

"You can do that later."

Why is he being so pushy? I refrain from groaning or rolling my eyes and join them at the table.

"Where's Mom?" I ask because I kind of feel like I'm about to get married off.

"She had to run to the post office. She'll be back in a little bit."

Clayton is staring at me with a smile. I feel extremely awkward right now.

"You know we have Jenny and Mark's wedding coming up," my dad says to me, "How would you like Clayton to be your date?"

I'm too stunned to speak. I don't even know this kid! I can feel my eyes go wide and my dad, Bryan and Clayton all laugh at my reaction. Clayton seems to be a little embarrassed which makes me feel guilty.

"I mean," I choke out, "Since when do I need a date for a wedding?"

I've only ever been to one other wedding in my life when I was younger. It was my cousin's wedding and it was so much fun. I didn't need a date back then.

"Well, you are a young lady now," my dad chuckles. Young lady? This is really starting to feel like arranged marriage.

"I'm a great date to have," Clayton speaks up, "I promise."

I force a smile and he smirks at me.

"You'll never believe who I got to meet last time I saw y/n," Bryan says to my dad, changing the subject. I would feel relieved, but he just changed the conversation from an awkward one to another awkward one. I feel all the blood drain from my face and my stomach drop. I assume my dad hasn't told him why he wants me and Clayton introduced so badly.

"And who would that be?" I can tell by the tone of his voice he has an idea of who.

"None other than your star player," Bryan says proudly.

"Oh really?" My dad says with a smile but I can hear the bitter undertone in his voice.

"I ran into them at the mall the other day," Bryan elaborates, "She was really nice. I would've asked for a picture or an autograph but I was trying to play it cool. Plus she seemed pretty eager to get back to y/n. I didn't want to hold her up."

I'm so nervous I could throw up. Could he stop talking? My dad's jaw flexes and I can visibly see him trying his hardest to keep smiling. The tension is so thick but Bryan must be living in a different reality because he seems completely oblivious.

"Yep. She's a good kid," my dad says with a strained voice.

"I had no idea y/n was buddies with your players."

If Bryan doesn't shut up I'm going to start crying and my dad's going to combust.

Just in time to break the awkward moment, my mom comes through the door.

"Hello everyone! Y/n, I see you've met Clayton," she says and lifts an eyebrow at me. Oh God, not her too.

I'm done. I stand up from the table, "I'll be right back." No I won't.

"Wait," Clayton calls to me, "Can I get your snap or your number?"

"Ugh!" I scoff in disgust and run upstairs.

"Y/n!" My parents yell at me in unison. I don't care how rude I was. I'm not giving in to their conversion therapy.

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