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Sunday morning I wake up to the unusual noise going on downstairs that is my cousins. And their parents. My aunt talks really loud.

I reach for my phone on my nightstand, and as my eyes skim the notifications on my lock screen, one stands out. It's a message from Paige: Goodmorning beautiful.

A good morning text. A huge smile spreads across my face. My day is officially made.

I hit the notification and think of what I could possibly say. I want to know what she's doing today because as I was falling asleep last night, I had an idea. Possibly dumb, but it's still an idea.

Goodmorning lovely I send before typing a second message.

What are you doing today?

Bubbles pop up immediately showing that she is typing.


Then another message.

Do you want to see me?

Is this a rhetorical question? If it isn't, I don't know how to tell this girl just how much I want to see her every single day of my life.

Of course I do baby

I let myself simp for her. She called me baby the other night, so I hope it's an acceptable thing in our dynamic now.

Unless you have work outs or practice or homework or anything, I type out, my cousins are big fans. We've got a hoop in the yard and I'm sure they would love to play against THE Paige Bueckers.

I send it before adding, Only out of the kindness of your heart. You don't have to if you don't want to.

That's when I get an incoming call from Paige. Was that a bad idea? At first, I just saw it as a way to spend time with her, but now it kind of sounds like I'm just taking advantage of her for my cousins' sake. I don't give a shit about my cousins or basketball or that stupid hoop cluttering our yard.

I bite back the nerves and answer, "Hello?"

"Baby, of course I can come play with your cousins! I can't believe I'm meeting the family already! Well, other than your dad. Kinda met him first."

I'm both shocked and relieved by her eagerness to come over.

"Only one catch though," she says seriously and I'm suddenly nervous again.

"What is it?" I ask warily.

"I get to spend time with the y/n Auriemma," she says and I'm back to being relieved and my heart warms as she adds, "And kiss her too."

God, she flusters me so bad. My cheeks are burning red and we aren't even in the same room.

"Of course. That's the only reason I want you to come over. I'm just kind of supposed to be spending time with my cousins right now, " I tell her.


"Oh my god! Paige Bueckers?!" My 23 year old cousin screams like a little girl. Me too though honestly.

"Geno, you are seriously the best uncle ever!" My other cousin Jake basically squeals.

When I look at Paige she's already smirking at me knowingly.

"Wasn't me," my dad shrugs, "her and y/n are buddies."

"What? Since when are you cool enough to be friends with a literal basketball legend?" Austin, the 23 year old, insults me. Real mature.

"Hey!" Paige says defensively. What Austin doesn't know is that Paige thinks I'm so cool she actually spooned me all of Friday night. Suck that Austin.

"Y/n is way cooler than me. It's a privilege to be in her presence." Okay if Paige doesn't bring it down a notch my dad's going to get suspicious.

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