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I forgot about the fact my car is still at the gym, so I have my mom drive me that way I can deliver my dad and Paige's cinnamon rolls and get my car.

When I come in the gym, a few heads turn to look at me, including Paige's. Her face immediately lights up, looking pleasantly surprised to see me. I smile at her and go over to wear my dad stands.

"Hey, honey! Whatcha got there?" My dad asks, gesturing to his box of cinnamon rolls in my hands.

"These are for you," I give them to him with a smile.

"Thank you! I'll enjoy these on the ride over," he says, placing them on his desk.

"You're ready for the game I see," he gestures to my shirt.

"Yep," I say looking off behind him at Paige who keeps glancing over at me as she warms up on the court with her teammates. She's probably wondering if I'm going to come see her. Of course I am.

"Well, I'll see you, dad," I dismiss our conversation, heading over to Paige.

She dribbles her ball as she meets me on the side of the court with a smirk on her face.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, her smirk widening.

I pull her box of cinnamon rolls out of my purse and hand it to her.

"Just here to deliver a sweet treat to a sweet girl," I tell her and blush at my own cheesiness. She places her basketball on a rack and takes them from me.

"Aw," she looks down at the note on top, "And what is this?"

"Don't read that yet," I say, slapping my hand over the note, "Not in front of me. That embarrassing."

"I'll read it later then," Paige says, reaching to tilt my chin up to look at her.

Paige then glances behind me to make sure my dad didn't see before smiling at me again.

"Thank you," she tells me sweetly and I just want to kiss her so bad.

"Ouuuuu," Nika and Aubrey come over to us, poking fun at our moment.

"Whatcha got there P?" Aubrey asks, gesturing to Paige's cinnamon rolls.

"Nothing," Paige says, hiding the behind her back.

"More baked goods from her lover girl," Nika teases.

"Ohhh, wanna share?" Aubrey asks jokingly.

"Find your own baker girl," Paige tells her friends, making me laugh.

"Well, I guess I better go and let you all practice," I say because I really don't want to be interrupting precious practice time.

"No!" Paige protests. "Not yet."

"Clingy," Nika comments but Paige ignores her.

"I just don't want to be taking up practice time," I tell her and she scoffs.

"I'm not even playing," Paige says then directs her attention to Nika and Aubrey. "You all are though. So go on," she makes shewing gestures with her hands. I know she just wants them gone so we can talk alone which makes me smile.

"We get it. You just want alone time with yo girl," Aubrey says as they finally back off.

"C'mon, let's go put these in my bag," Paige says nodding to the bleachers.

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