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"Oh my god, Caitlin is literally perfect!" Daisy squeals.

"I know, like I don't even know if we're official or not and she's already inviting me to famous athlete stuff!"

"This is crazy," Jordy says, "I need to dump my man for a baller."

"I know, right!" Daisy exclaims, "like, I need to start hanging around the men's team."

"Who said anything about the men's team?" Jordy says with a smirk.

"God, Jordy," I sigh, "Are you gay or not?"

"Labels are for boring people," Jordy smiles.

"Hey," she speaks back up, "your dad is the women's coach, right?"


Jordy groans throwing her head back, "I would totally go gay for Paige Bueckers."

My stomach drops and me and Daisy look at each other, the fun lighthearted feeling leaving the room.

"What?" Jordy asks confused.

I can't even. Thankfully Daisy speaks for me.

"Y/n had a thing with Paige for a while."

Realization washes over Jordy's face as she looks from Daisy to me.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she says, "Girl code. She's off limits. Understood."

I shrug, trying to brush it off.

"It's no biggy."

"So, what's the deal with you and your boyfriend?" Daisy changes the subject, saving me yet again.

"Ugh," Jordy groans, "I'm just sick of him, ya know? Like, I love being a girlfriend, but he just pisses me off all the damn time."

Still feeling solemn but wanting to contribute to the conversation, I say, "I think you should only be with someone because you really like or love them. Because you can't stay away from them and think about them and miss them when you're apart. Not just because you like being in a relationship or feel like you should be in one. It should be about the person. Not all the other bullshit."

I feel my eyes prick with tears. I think those words were more for myself than Jordy. There's a part of me that isn't sure about Caitlin. Our kiss last night was nice. Sparks didn't fly. It wasn't painful to pull away. It didn't blow my mind and electrify my body. It was just nice.

I look up to see Daisy and Jordy looking at me concerned, the room gone silent.

"Just my advice," I force a laugh, "but what do I know?"

Daisy and Jordy both laugh awkwardly along with me.

Way to kill the mood, y/n.


"I'm going to Daisy's," I tell my dad as I shoulder my over night bag, "May or may not spend the night."

I don't exactly know how late this Nike thing is going to last and I don't know Caitlin's plans afterwards, so I'm packing a bag just in case. New York is less than two hours from here, so while it's not necessarily a long trip, it's not short either.

"Sounds good, honey," he says, preoccupied with whatever he's working on on his laptop.

I head out, throwing my bag in the passenger seat of my car before driving off to Caitlin's hotel. I told her my parents, my dad especially, aren't too happy about the idea of me being gay and that it would be suspicious if she, a lesbian looking basketball player who he's never heard of me being friends with before, shows up at our house to take me to New York. So I am going to meet her at the hotel she's staying at and then she's going to drive us to New York. It's impressive she can drive from here to New York even though she's not even a local.

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