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Paige ended up driving us to her place because other than the two shots she had at the bar, she hadn't drank anything,

She shares an apartment with Azzi but said that she isn't there tonight because she's staying the night with her friends. How convenient.

"Do you like living in an apartment?" I ask her as we walk to the apartment building. I've only ever lived in my house with my parents so her living on her own in apartment kind of fascinates me. Most people our age are living in apartments though. Sometimes I feel a little embarrassed that I still live with my parents, but it only makes since that I commute because we live so close to the school.

"It's alright," she shrugs, "I mean living with Azzi is pretty great."

"I bet that's fun. Living with your best friend." I wonder aloud. I can't imagine if me and Daisy ever lived together. That would be wild.

"Yeah. I miss my family sometimes though," she says as we enter the building.

"That must be tough," I look over at her and she just gives me a small smile.

We ride the elevator up and when we finally make it to her apparent, Paige flicks on the lights and I come in behind her. I take in the nice looking apartment as she shuts and locks the door behind us.

I look around at what seems to be the living room and kitchen area. It's a little messy, but not bad.

"Would you like a tour?" Paige asks, coming up behind me.

"I would love that."

"First we have our cozy living area," Paige says gesturing to our surroundings.

"A nice luxurious comfy couch, perfect for naps and just chillin'" She says patting the grey sofa. "And even a Samsung flat screen TV."

I giggle at her descriptions, "Oh, not a silver screen?" I asks her amused.

"Nope," She smiles at me, "Pretty high tech."

She turns to go to the short hallway behind the couch, waving for me to follow. She flicks on a light behind one door.

"The bathroom, for showering, number one and number two," she's being so goofy I almost forget she literally punched a guy maybe an hour ago.

She points to the door across from the bathroom, "Azzi's room."

"And finally we have," she announces before opening the last door, "my room."

I follow behind her, entering the room. It is kind of messy, more than the rest of the house, but not terrible. Her bed is slightly unmade and she has a TV, desk and rolly chair. A UCONN flag hangs on the wall as well as a mini basketball hoop.

"It's kind of messy right now," she says, grabbing a hoodie off the floor and throwing it into her hamper.

"It's cute," I tell her endearingly.

She smiles at me and we have a moment before she continues, "We have a hoop," she says, grabbing the rim, "for hooping."

"And we got a desk, for school," she glaces at me, "A TV, for entertainment."

She then moves to her bed, falling down on it, "And my bed. For..... lots of things," she says, lifting her head to look at me. I feel my cheeks heat up at the suggestive description of her bed.

"It's very comfy," she elaborates.

"Oh is it?" I ask her with my arms crossed.

"Yes. You should see for yourself," she says scooting over.

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