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"Good morning baby," I tell Paige after I rub my eyes, looking up at her face. She always woke up before me.

"Good morning beautiful," she says back in her raspy morning voice I missed so much.

I notice her eye is looking worse than yesterday. It's looking like a true black eye now.

I crane my neck up to kiss her eye gently before Paige eagerly kisses my lips.

I lay back down in her arms, cuddling back into her. I kiss her bare chest and all over her breasts, making her laugh softly.

"I missed this," Paige whispers as she runs her fingers through my hair, "I'm sorry I had to go mess everything up."

"No, my dad messed it up," I argue, "But it's not messed up. We just had a little detour."

This makes Paige's frown turn up into a smile.

"How is your eye feeling?" I ask her.

"Better," she tells me lazily.

"I bet it looks worse though," she says.

I smile up at her warily and she huffs, reaching for her phone on my night stand. I groan at her warm body leaving mine for the moment and pull her back when she's retrieved her phone.

I lay my head back on her chest as she opens her camera to examine her face.

"Oh no," she brings her hand up to touch her face, "It's really bad."

"I think it's kind of cute on you," I tell her.

"Does it make me look tough?" She asks and I look up at her.


I peck her lips and lay back down, "We'll put a warm rag on it or something today."

"You take such good care of me," she says, cuddling closer to me.

"Of course, baby," I hold her to me.

"I have to pee," she mumbles before rolling away from me.

"Nuh uh," I stop her, grabbing her arms and pinning them to the pillow under her head.

"You're not allowed to leave," I tell her as I lay my naked body on top of hers.

"Oh," she smirks, "I'm not?"

I shake my head before leaning down to kiss the soft tender skin of the insides of her arms that are pinned up by her head.

"You can come with me," she offers.

I hum and kiss down the rest of her arms before rolling off of her, setting her free.

"Let's go," I force myself out of bed and she follows.

Her body is truly breathtaking. I can't help but to stop her again, leaning her long lean frame against the counter. We both smile, just happy to be together again, before connecting our lips in a sweet kiss.

I let Paige pee and she lets me stay with her because, if we were clingy before, we definitely are now that we've been apart for so long. We showered and everything together last night.

"Do you need me to wipe for you?" I ask her cheekily.

"I got it," she smirks up at me and I watch as she wipes herself.

I pee after her and we wash our hands before going back to my room.

"Should we even get dressed?" I ask her.

"I wouldn't mind walking around naked with you all day," Paige tells me, "but I don't know. Would feel kinda weird streaking around my coach's house."

"You're right," I agree, pulling clothes out of my dresser.

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