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Monday at PT, Paige shows us the results from the doctor about her knee when she does that horrible evil squat. Apparently there is nothing to worry about and the pain should go away with time. She also said her doctor told her she didn't need to do that specific squat to recover so now Laura has no reason to make my poor Paigey suffer.

Paige had came in early as usual so she had some free time before practice.

Steve and Laura are on one side of the office, minding their business, so me and Paige hang out on the other side that has a small couch.

"So," I refrain from touching Paige sitting beside me, "how was practice with my dad this morning? Did he act different? Did he treat you different?" I keep my voice low as I ask these questions.

"No," she answers me in an equally as hushed voice, "Everything was normal." Paige glances over at Steve and Laura before continuing, "I mean, he doesn't suspect anything between us, he just probably thinks us basketball girls are like..... I don't know...... men?"

I sigh and shake my head. I let myself rest a hand on Paige's knee comfortingly, "You could never be anything like a man. Men suck."

Paige smiles and instinctively starts to lean in for a kiss. I remove my hand from her knee and sit back, looking over at Steve and Laura. They are both preoccupied so I think why not?

I turn back to Paige who had glanced at them too to make sure they weren't paying attention before we look at each other and smile mischievously. I lean in and quickly kiss Paige's lips. It was a mere peck, but I don't want to get caught by Steve and Laura.

I turn back to look at Paige who looks quite unsatisfied. I glance over at them again and kiss Paige again for a little longer this time. Before I know it, it's like a game. A very dangerous game. Stealing a kiss from each other every time their heads are turned.

Laura turns to us and asks Paige something. When she's done and turns back around, I feel a sudden wet sensation on the side of my face. I instinctively gasp, turning my head to Paige who now has a devious grin on her face. She licked me!

I give her an incredulous look and wipe where she licked with my hand. She pulls my hand away and tries to lick me again. I back up and struggle to push her away from me. We are both giggling uncontrollably to the point Steve and Laura turn around and look at us.

"What are you two doing?" Steve asks all judgey. He low key knows there's something going on between us, but he's a chill dude. He just sits and observes and minds his business. He won't tell anyone. Laura on the other hand......

"Paige, you leave y/n alone. It's not fair to torment someone who treats you so well," Laura scolds Paige half joking. She means treats her well as in I'm nice and lenient towards her as her physical therapist. I like to think I treat her well outside of PT too.

"Okay," Paige says in mock guilt, "I'm sorry y/n."

I don't reply because she doesn't need to apologize. Truth be told, I liked it when she licked me. She gives me this pitiful look with the puppy dog eyes that make me want to kiss her all over and tell her she can lick me as much as she wants.

When Laura is finally minding her own business again, I take Paige's face in my hands and kiss her lips and her forehead and her cut little nose and both of her cheeks. She smiles happily and it's at this moment I realize this girl can and will get whatever she wants from me.


When I get home, I head up to my room feeling exhausted but really happy at the same time. I was scared after Sunday night that things would be weird between me and Paige, but no, things are amazing.

After I take my shower, I'm combing my hair in my bathroom mirror when my eyes fall on something out of the ordinary on my sink. It's a blonde hair tie.

My heart speeds up and I'm suddenly out of my sleepy state. Paige left her hair tie here. I pick it up and just look at it like a weirdo. Again, something looking so out of place here, considering I'm brunette. Accept Paige isn't here. It's like she's officially in my life and not something I've just imagined. She's left a part of her here. Not an actual part of her; just a hair tie, but there's something so intimate about it.

Should I give it to her Wednesday at PT? No. I don't want to. Besides, that would be weird. I'll just keep it. I leave it beside the sink where she left it.

As I get ready for bed, I think about our first official "real" date this Friday. I'm ecstatic. They aren't having practice Friday evening like they did last Friday, so she said she will pick me up around 6:00.

I am mostly excited, but also a little nervous. I don't know where she's planning on taking me. I at least know it's not another club, thank God.

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