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"Daisy's gonna get jealous. Paige is like your new best friend now," my dad says jokingly when I tell him Paige is staying the night.

"She'll be fine," I respond, dragging Paige by her hand up the stairs.

"I'm going to go to bed, but you girls have a good night."

Wow. He's being a lot nicer than last time Paige stayed the night.

"Good night," me and Paige call back.

As soon as we're in my room, I shut the door behind Paige and lock it before tossing the stuffed hippo on the little bench in the corner.

She looks at me amused but there is nothing funny about what I want to do tonight.

I don't waste time, pressing her against door, kissing her. She seems shocked at first, but then kisses me back just as passionately.

I run my hands down her sides, taking in her beautiful frame. Our kiss becomes even more heated, our tongues swirling together hot and wet. Our breathing is so heavy I can hear us both. Paige's large hands travel from holding my waist to resting on my ass, her fingers gripping gently.

Paige soon pushes herself off the door, flipping us so she's pressing me against my wall. All dominance leaves my body as I let her kiss down my neck and her hands hold my hips, pressing me into the wall.

Her lips travel down to my collarbone, kissing it. I feel her tongue graze along the length of the bone, leaving a wet trail before picking a spot to suck on, making me let out a moan I try to keep as quiet as possible. Paige nips and bites at my skin and I can only think about the bruise that's going to be there tomorrow.

Paige pulls me off the wall, pulling me into her as she walks backwards, kissing my lips. Her hands hold my waste securely, but I want them other places.

I start to pull down one of the straps of my dress before taking one of Paige's hands to pull down the other. She pulls away from the kiss to look from my eyes to my shoulders and to my eyes again.

"Y/n," she says my name and I look into her eyes with complete confidence.

"I'm ready," I tell her and her already lustful eyes go even darker.

We reconnect our lips again, kissing passionately as Paige's hands search my back for the zipper of my dress.

I know she's found it when I feel the back of my dress open slowly. When she reaches the end of the zipper, my back exposed, she pulls away to look at me again. I put my mouth by her ear and whisper, "Take it off," encouraging her. I then kiss gently on her neck.

I feel her pull the top of my dress down. Electricity runs up my spine at the feeling of being so exposed in her presence. I pull away from her neck and she looks at my body, running her hands down my sides before sliding the dress over my hips and letting it fall to the floor, leaving me in just my bra and underwear.

After taking in my appearance, she quickly starts to take off her shirt. I help her pull it over her head. She is so hot. Words can't describe just how hot she is. Before I can look at her for too long, she is pulling me in for another kiss. I kiss her back as my hands touch the warm skin of her toned stomach, trailing down until they find the button of her pants. I unbutton them then slowly pull the zipper down after. Paige helps me pull her pants down and she tosses them out of the way. Her panties are cute, dark blue with little stars on them. This is the first time I've gotten to see the full length of her long gorgeous legs. If she weren't a basketball player, she could've been a model. She reconnects our lips yet again and we continue kissing, I carefully guide her backwards toward my bed. When the backs of her legs meet the side of my bed, I push her down gently. She sits on the edge of my bed and I sit on her lap, straddling her. We look at each other as I situate myself on her. Her lips are as pink and swollen as mine feel. I love the feeling.

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