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"Y/n, off your phone," my dad whispers from beside me. I was only on it for a second! And this sermon is lasting forever.

Paige texted me asking what I was doing after church. I told her I would probably be eating lunch out with my parents and she said she's doing the same with her friends. It's crazy to think she lives without her parents and only sees them on occasion. I couldn't imagine life without mine.

I invite her over to our house after we both finish having lunch. She automatically agreed and I gave her a warning that my parents will be there.

During lunch with my parents, I ask them if Paige can come over. Most of the times Paige has been over, my parents have been gone and I don't tell them about it, so I almost forgot to ask. They say yes, of course, and my dad tells me he has to do something for work this afternoon. This means it will just be my mom at the house with me and Paige which is a relief. One less parent to worry about.

When I get home, I use the bathroom and groan when I see spots of blood in my panties. I should've known. I've been kind of cranky lately. I hope Paige is sexually satisfied from yesterday because I don't feel like cleaning up a crime scene.

When I hear a knock at the front door, I run down the stairs and sprint across the living room.

"Hey," I say breathlessly, pulling Paige into a hug after I lay my eyes on her standing in the door way in her church clothes, a nice crew neck and cargos. Her church must be chill. I, on the other hand, am still in my church dress.

"It's been years," Paige jokes as she hugs me back, making me laugh.

"Hello, Paige," my mom greets her from the kitchen.

"Hey," Paige greets her back with a nod.

We end up going to my room and lay on my bed.

"I might need an after church nap," she says as she stretches out.

"Me too," I agree, laying almost on top of her. She turns her head to look at me and our faces are so close we're nose to nose. She inches closer, making our lips meet in a soft kiss.

"Guess what happened yesterday, like as soon as you left?" Paige says, her warm breath fanning my lips because of our close proximity. I like the way her lips move when she talks.

"What?" I asks.

"I got my period," she whispers, "good thing it didn't come a second sooner, right?"

"Oh my gosh! I literally got my today!" I tell her.

"Aw," she wraps her arm around my waist, "we synced up."

I blush at the fact.

"I guess we have been spending a lot of time together."

"Mhm," she hums, turning us over so she's on top of me. She closes her eyes and wedges her head in the crook of my neck. I stroke her soft silky hair as we lay in comfortable silence. My neck then starts to tickle from what feels like eyelashes fluttering against my skin. They're not as soft as last time though because today she's wearing mascara.

"Paige," I giggle at the sensation and she continues before kissing my neck, her lips light as feathers.

"Have you been cramping?" Paige asks me when she pulls her face out from my neck.

"No, not really. Have you?" I ask her.

"Yes," she groans, "all morning."

A frown comes to my face and I rub her back comfortingly, "Poor baby."

"I know," she grumbles, burying her face back in my neck, "It's really awful."

"Did you take Advil or anything?"

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