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It's a beautiful Tuesday afternoon and my afternoon class was canceled so I get to enjoy some time at home before practice.

I was excited for Friday. I asked Paige if she wanted to go shopping with me and Daisy and she said yes. I can't wait for my best friend and my.... whatever we are to meet. I can't wait for them to meet.

I'm watching TV when my phone starts ringing. I look to see whose calling me and It's Paige. My relaxed state immediately turns to one of excitement. I smile as I answer it.

"Hello," I say with a side smile.

"Hey," she says, her beautiful voice gracing my ear.

"You never told me what you were going to tell me at practice last night."

Last night after practice Paige got pulled away by her friends and I got pulled away from my dad so I never got the chance to tell her.

Because this is really big news, but mostly because I want to see her, I ask Paige, "What are you doing right now?"

"I'm just chillin," she answers, "enjoying an off day."

"It's an off day for me to," I say, "Would you maybe want to enjoy it at my house so I can tell you in person. My parents aren't home."

I feel adrenaline run through my veins at the thought.

"I would love nothing more," Paige tells me and I blush.

"Then come on," I rush her.

I hear the sound of keys rattling over the phone and I hop off the couch.

I run upstairs, still on the phone with Paige as she tells me, "I actually have something to ask you formally in person."

"Oh really?" I say, already wondering what it could be. Is she going to ask me to be her girlfriend? God that would be amazing.

"Yeah, it's really no big deal, but I still wanted to be extra and ask you in person."

Okay, now I'm praying shes not asking me to be her girlfriend.

I change out of my pajamas and put on a crop top and cute pale pink sweat shorts. Looking like I'm not trying, while still looking presentable.

Silence falls over us as I sit at my vanity, putting on a little makeup.

"Oh my Gosh, go," Paige suddenly says aggressively, startling me.

"Sorry, people are going like ten below the speed limit today."

"Oh," I relax when I realize she was having road rage and not yelling at me.

"Do you have road rage?" I ask her, amused as I coat mascara on my lashes.

"Maybe a little bit," she admits. "It's like I'm the only one with places to be. Everyone else is just going on a drive for fun."

"You have places to be, huh?" I ask her, grinning to myself.

"Yes," she says, "very important."

I feel myself blush again.

"So when are your parents coming back home?" She asks me.

"My mom around two or three, my dad not until this evening."

"Cool. And you don't have PT today?"

"I do," I tell her as I apply lip gloss, "but not until five."

Paige sighs disappointedly, "So you guys have to work even when we don't have practice?"

"Yeah, sometimes."

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