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Paige's pov

"What the heck?" I shove Aaliyah as soon as we're out of the PT office, half playful, half serious.

"What?" Aaliyah puts up her hands defense.

"It's only," I look down at my smart watch as I stop in the middle of the hallway, "3:32." I'm a grown women, nobody can boss me around.

"Okay, and we're always early." Aaliyah looks at me all judgy. "Azzi's waiting on us, come on."

I sigh, knowing she's right. I don't usually take that long in my PT visits before practice.

"Ya know, I don't have one, but I can't think of anything more accurate to call you right now," I tell Aaliyah as I walk up next to her.

"What is it?" she asks already amused.

"A cock blocker."

Aaliyah snorts like I'm not being dead serious. "What? Your gonna screw Geno's kid?" She asks laughing.

"Ugh, no," I groan in exasperation, "What do you think I am, an F Boy or something?"

"Oh, so you want to take her on a date first?" Aaliyah continues teasing me.

"Shut up!" I whine as we make our way into the gym.

"You wanna hold her hand? Buy her flowers?" She is not still doing this after we're already in the gym, around people.

"Stop!" I snap at her in full seriousness this time and she looks at me offended. Whatever, I don't have time for this. I walk away and find Azzi warming up in the corner. She's the only one on the team, or on the planet, that isn't a total idiot sometimes.

I let out an exasperated sigh when I stand beside her and start stretching my arms.

"You alright?" She asks me calmly.

"Yeah, just Aaliyah being annoying." I tell her, pulling my left arm across my chest.

"What's she saying?"

"I spend maybe one extra second in the PT office today and she came to check on me, almost as if she knew I was pretty much alone with Y/n, and when she came in and saw that, she demands that I leave and come to the gym! Then, she makes fun of me all the way down the hall for being the only person on the team that isn't blind to Y/n's undeniable beauty!"

Azzi holds in a snort at the last part of my rant, but then tells me exactly what I need to hear, "I agree though. You're not her responsibility, you can spend as much time in PT as you want before practice."

"Thank you." I tell her, relieved that me snapping at Aaliyah was valid.

"You know... whatever this is. Probably nothing but, I do know it's a bad idea so you should try to keep it on the DL. I mean, especially if you don't want coach to know about it, lets not joke about it with the others anymore."

"Yeah, you're right." I agree with her. This is why she's my best friend. She always knows what to do. What I should do.

When it reaches four o'clock, Coach blows his whistle and we all gather in the middle of the court for him to give us the run down of this practice.

Sounds like we are going to be here all night. Not actually. We have a game tomorrow so I know he'll make sure we leave at a decent time so we can get a full nights rest.

When he finishes listing what practice is going to look like today, he continues. "I know I've been hard on you guys this week, but think of this as less of a bribe, because I know you girls don't need one to want to win. Think of this as a reward. If we win our game tomorrow, instead of having practice, we'll have a cookout at my house Friday night."

Everyone whoops and gets excited about that, including me. After the initial excitement of having a cookout instead of practice, I realize I'll not only be at coach's house, I'll be at Y/n's house.


Y/n's pov

I've never been so invested in a game in my life. I usually just watch Paige on the side lines, but tonight I was actually paying attention to the game. Was it mainly because I really wanted that cookout to happen at my house tomorrow night? Maybe.

It was just now the second half of the game and we were down by 5 points. My stomach was filled with worry and anticipation. It had been a close game, I really hope we can pull through. We've only lost one game so fare this season.

Paige was basically taking my dad's job on the side lines. She was yelling things at the team just like a coach. At one point my dad even told her to sit down. Douche. Imagine being the best women's basketball player of out generation and not getting to play for almost two years.

It's back and forth. We make a shot, they make a shot. I really don't know how this is going to end. My dad, the assistant coach and Paige keep talking among each other probably about what they should do to win the game. Obviously, what else would they be taking about?

By now, there are only 2 minutes left on the clock and we are behind by only 2 points. My dad calls a time out and the team comes over so my dad can give them a game plan I assume. While my dad was holding the board and marker, Paige seemed to be the one doing most of the explaining, pointing to the board as my dad held it and nodded his head in agreement with her.

When they finally went back out on the court, one second Azzi had the ball, then Nika had it and in one swift motion, somehow Amari ended up shooting a three pointer without anyone guarding her. The crowd goes wild. I stand up and cheer as well. I see Paige jumping and screaming and hugging all the girls, then her and my dad hug and my heart warms at the sight.

Well, looks like we're on with the cook out.

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