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I was starting on the icing while Paige was mixing the batter.

"This is working on my arm," she says, shaking her arm out.

"I figured this would be light work for you." I tell her before turning on my electric beater.

"Hey! No fair!" She shouts over the loud noise of the beater.

"This is how you make it fluffy," I defend myself.

"Now get back to work, the oven is done pre heating," I tell her.

She groans, picking up the big wooden spoon. When she starts mixing again, I stare at her, her arm flexing as she stirs the batter.

She catching me staring and rolls up her sleeve of her arm that's doing the work, revealing her flexing bicep. I so badly want to just feel it. She really does have hot arms.

"See something you like?" She asks me, lifting a brow.

"Yes," I tell her, "hard work in the kitchen." She rolls her eyes playfully and I turn off the electric mixer.

When she's finished, we pour the batter in the cupcake cups in the pan.

I put them in the oven and set a timer. When I'm done, Paige is waiting on me, leaning against the counter with her arms crossed.

"I know what we can do in the meantime," she tells me mischievously.

"Practice your knee exercises?" I ask her innocently.

"No, that's what Laura's for." She says and I feel a little offended she doesn't consider me her therapist.

"Well what am I for then?" I ask her.

"To practice my kissing skills." She says, immediately snorting afterwards at how cringey that was. We both start giggling and I finally let myself go over to her. I lean in to kiss her and right as my lips almost touch hers, she dodges me with a grin playing on her lips. Oh, now she wants to play hard to get.

I shake my head at her and try to go in again. She lets me get close to her face, but backs away every time I try to kiss her. She laughs because she thinks she's so funny.

"Paige," I tell her a little frustrated, "We're on limited time here."

Her eyes go wide as she says, "Oh," in a suggestive way.

I roll my eyes and shove her shoulder, "I didn't mean like that."

"You're right though," she says before pulling me in by the back of my neck, kissing me. Our lips press together so perfectly every time. We pull apart just to  look at each other before kissing again, me catching her bottom lip between mine and her kissing my top lip. This kiss was light and fun unlike the other ones where we felt rushed because someone could walk in on us at any moment. Right now we were completely alone. So alone we could do whatever we wanted.

I pull back to turn my head to kiss her at a different angle. I kiss her then separate our lips again to tell her, "You're so pretty today."

She kisses me then says, "you're so pretty every day."

I go to kiss her but stop right at her mouth to say, "you've never not been pretty."

Her lips part and I come close, grazing my tongue against hers lightly. We playfully kiss each other as time goes by. Then out of no where my phone lights up behind Paige and buzzes, interrupting us. It's Daisy. Paige pulls away but I just reach around her and hit decline. She'll hear all about why I couldn't talk after Paige leaves.

Paige gives me an amused look and I just say, "Too busy to talk right now."

I take her face in my hands and kiss her forehead, nose, then finally her lips. She kisses me harder, pushing herself off the counter. She stands up straight now. I have to tilt my head up slightly because she's a couple inches taller than me. She holds my arms, turning us around and pressing me against the counter. My heart starts beating faster at her sudden dominance. Her hands run up my arms to hold the back of my neck and she slides her tongue in my mouth. A weird sound erupts from my throat. I think I just moaned. My cheeks heat up in embarrassment but Paige groans at the sound, leaning her body against mine even more. I have to pull back for a second to catch my breath. I guess all that running my dad makes them do really gives them lungs of steel.

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