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Paige remains asleep even after I wake up from our little nap. It's now completely dark outside and I'm pretty restless just laying here waiting on her to wake up.

Don't get me wrong, I love how sweet and peaceful she looks when she sleeps. She's an angel, I swear. But trying to stay still and quiet and not wake her up is becoming more and more difficult.

I eventually decided to carefully get out of bed and see what her mom is doing downstairs.

I come down the stairs to find her having a night snack while watching jeopardy.

"Hey, y/n!" She notices me.

"I'm just snacking and losing at jeopardy. Feel free to join me."

"I think I will," I come sit down beside her.

"Where's Paige?"

I laugh lightly and tell her, "Taking a nap."

"Oh, that girl," she shakes her head smiling, "she's always needed her beauty sleep."

That's so cute. The fact that this woman is her mother and has been with her from day one, through every stage of her life at every age is crazy. I can't believe I get to talk to her. I'm almost jealous of her in the sense that I wish I'd known Paige her whole life.

"She would fall asleep any time we would take her anywhere when she was little," she says fondly, "every movie, every time we'd go see Christmas lights. Theme parks would always knock her out."

"I guess it does take a lot of beauty sleep to be that beautiful," I say.

She laughs at my comment, looking at me like I'm really down bad for her daughter. What can I say? I am.

"I don't know where she gets it from. She's way prettier than me."

"Aw," I just shake my head. I can't deny it. Paige is way prettier than everyone.

I can see resemblances between her and her mom. Both blonde haired and blue eyed. Her moms are a bit brighter blue though, while Paige's are a softer crystal blue.

"She looks a lot like you," I tell her.

"You're too sweet," she says.

Her mom tells me more stories about Paige when she was little and they all make me laugh and my heart warm. I could listen to these stories forever.

There's nothing a mother loves more than talking about her children and there is nothing I love more than Paige, so we get along pretty well. I'm sure we both love Paige more than life itself.

"She's a spunky thing," she sighs with a fond smile.

She then gets up and tells me she'll be right back.

She comes back with a big photo album in her hands.

"Let's go sit at the table," she nods towards the kitchen and I follow her.

She opens the book up to the first page and two adorable pictures of baby Paige are the first thing I see.

"Oh my gosh," I gasp, placing my hand over my heart.

She looks like a young toddler. In the first picture she's got cute little pig tails, smiling at the camera and in the second she's preoccupied with her toys. Her hair was darker when she was little. A light brown instead of pure blonde. She also had bangs and soft little ringlet curls. Same pretty blue eyes and fluttery little lashes though.

"How old was she?" I ask.

"Probably around two in both of these."

"She's the cutest little baby I've ever seen," I tell her genuinely.

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