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She looks up at me with begging eyes as I trail my hand down her naked body. My gaze falls from hers to her lips then down her chest to her boobs.

"Hey," she tilts my chin up so I'm looking her back at her face.

"They were looking at me first," I whisper to her, defending myself.

"You're so beautiful," I tell her as I lean down to kiss her. I pull back to watch her face as my hand travels to the heat between her legs. She really is so beautiful. I love the way she looks at me as I touch her, her lips parted, eyes dilated, and her blonde hair splayed out on the pillow under her head.

And that's when I wake up. My alarm goes off, ripping me from my dreams.

I can't believe I went on a date with Caitlin yesterday and came home and had a wet dream about Paige.

What is wrong with me? Do I need a priest to come cleanse my room of her? Yeah, and then an exorcism to get  her out of my head.

The date with Caitlin went well. She took me to a nice restaurant and picked up the check, the whole nine yards. No flowers though. But who needs flowers? They just die anyway.

My parents were out yesterday so I didn't have to make up a lie that Daisy picked me up or anything. Caitlin dropped me off and walked me to the door. She even gave me a kiss. Just on the cheek, it was only our first date after all. She told me she would love to do it again sometime before she goes back to Iowa this Friday. Today being Monday, that's less than a week.

Caitlin is very mature. Not super serious,  just calm and levelheaded. She's not a goofball like Paige was. Paige was always making me laugh with her jokes and antics. Caitlin also doesn't ever pout or whine or act like a baby, but I loved that about Paige too. Caitlin seems steady and stable and most importantly, doesn't play for my dad.

I roll out of bed go to the bathroom. I'm brushing my teeth when I get a text from Caitlin.

Caitlin: How do you feel about putt-putt?

Honestly, I don't see the fun in putt putt, but it sounds like she's asking me on another date, so I guess I'll have to like it now.

Me: Sounds fun

After I've finished getting ready in the bathroom, Caitlin sends another text.

Caitlin: What day are you free this week?

All I have going on are my classes, which all end before 4 pm.

Me: Any day after 4 pm.

The bubbles pop up that she's typing as I look through my closet for something to wear.

Caitlin: How's Wednesday at 6?

I text her back saying that works for me then get ready to go to my first class of the day.


"You seem to be doing a lot better," my dad tells me during dinner.

"Yes," my mom agrees, "You've been getting out more and talking more."

Not knowing how to respond, I just shrug my shoulders. I guess I really have been doing better if my parents noticed.

Later tonight, Jordy texted me asking if I wanted to join her and one of her friends going out tomorrow. Not wanting to be the only new one to the group, I asked if Daisy could come too and she said yes.

Look at me, making plans and having friends. I think that this could be even better for me than dating someone else.


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