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The club is loud with music and people. It's dark with light only coming from the bar and the strobe lights. Paige leads me over to the bar and we show them our ID's, mine being a fake because I'm still only 20. We sit on the tall bar stools and discuss what we should get.

Paige asks me what I want and I tell her that I'm not a big drinker. She ends up ordering me a Dirty Shirley that she thinks I'll like. She pays for me, against my will but I just give in and let her. As for herself, she ordered two tequila shots. I guess she just wants to get drunk because there is absolutely nothing enjoyable about taking shots.

After the bar tender leaves us, Paige leans closer to me, running her hand up my bare thigh, her face getting closer to mine before kissing me sloppily with tongue and all. Her hand goes up even higher to were her finger tips slip under my skirt and my heart starts beating faster. I could feel my face flush at this sudden public display of affection. Actually, more like public display of lust.

When Paige detaches her mouth from mine, I look at her breathlessly, "What was that all about?"

She slides her hand off my thigh and I feel a little disappointed. I kinda liked it there.

"Just letting everyone in here know you're her with someone. A few guys were staring at you when we came in," she tells me matter-of-factly.

"Oh," I say, unaware of the staring guys she was talking about. It's really hot though, that she wanted everyone in here to know I was hers.

"And I just wanted to," Paige adds, smirking at me. I grin and her and the bar tender shows up with our drinks.

We thank him and I try my Dirty Shirley.

"You like it?" Paige asks me, looking at me with anticipation.

"It's great. I love it." I tell her even though I don't really like it all that much.

Paige throws back a shot. I watch her as she does so and I can't help but find it so hot. Everything she does is so hot.

"Want one?" She asks amused, noticing me staring.

"Just a taste," I tell her and she starts to hand me the other shot, but I shake my head. I lean over to her, open-mouth kissing her, tasting the bitter alcohol on her. These bar stools are annoyingly far apart as I make out with Paige. I place one hand on the bar and the other on her leg, getting as close to her as possible. We've both been so hungry lately. It used to be all sweet little comments and sweet little touches, but now we're all hot and heavy. I guess we just want more. I know I want more.

We eventually break apart and Paige lets me take a small sip of her other shot and I grimace and the taste. It was way better on her tongue.

Paige throwing the rest of the shot back like a champ when I get a sudden thought.

"Paige," I look at her until she meets my eyes, "If we both get drunk, how are we gonna get home?"

"Uber," She tells me simply, "I'll have someone drive me here to get my car tomorrow."

"Oh, hey," Paige waves to someone over near where people were dancing.

"Be right back," she tells me before hopping off her bar stool, going to join a group of people she apparently knows.

I just sit there and people watch as I wait for Paige, sipping on my Dirty Shirley.


I've almost drank the whole glass at this point. Paige went off somewhere else in the club with her friends and I can't see her anywhere. It's fine. It's not like this was an official date. We never said the word date did we? We were just hanging out.

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