Part 1

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Oms I can't take this anymore. Hi I'm y/n I live with my mom. Well sorta. She has hidden me my entire life. I'm 26 and she is still scared of what the media will say about me. She says I'm one of the most beautiful girls she has ever seen and if I wasn't her daughter I would be her top model but because I'm hidden she can't do that and I'm on the verge of breaking. We are at the moment in Italy and I just want to explore but as my mom says no going out if I'm not here. What do I do? I went and explored. I walked around and saw the beautiful beach and some people swimming while looking for something. I sat there on the beach looking at the beautiful sunset. My phone started to ring and I saw it was my mom. I didn't pick it up and just went on staring at my view. When I finally decided to go back I bumped into someone making them spill their drink all over them.Gosh this day can't get any worse. I looked up and saw who it was. It was Dua lipa omfs I'm so stupid sometimes I say under my breath. She looked at me with anger in her eyes.

Dua: You should look where your going. You ruined my new swimsuit made by donatella herself.

I couldn't help but laugh. She didn't know and it was funny ass hell. My mom called again but I declined.

Dua: What's so funny huh. This cost me more than your life.
Y/n: Sorry.
Dua: Sorry won't fix this.
Y/n: I did say I am sorry. Also are you always so mean to your fans?

Dua didn't answer and looked madly at me.

Y/n: Let me replace it for you. I can quickly go grab another one of donatella's swimsuits.
Dua: I would like to see that happen.
Y/n: Oky wait here il be right back.
Dua: How do i know your coming back.
Y/n: Here take my uhm.

I looked around and saw my white hoodie and my necklace.

Y/n: Take these.

I gave her both my hoodie and necklace. She took them and I ran off to where my mom was. I called her on the way to explain the situation and she said she will give it to me at the door. When I got there she only gave me a fake smile and I ran back. Not that is far from the beach. I saw Dua sitting by a bench and just went up to her.

Y/n: Here you go.
Dua: Thanks. Wait how did you get this. This is from my new collection that's not even out yet.
Y/n: Magic.
Dua: I'm not giving your stuff back until you tell me.
Y/n: Fine I guess il have to by myself a new hoodie and a new necklace. Bye.
Dua: Wait.

I walked off and started running when I saw she was following me. To my surprise I was faster than her and quickly got inside and locked the door. My mom came rushing to me.

Don: What's now wrong?
Y/n: Dua.
Don: What about her?
Y/n: You gave her the wrong swimsuit. It's from her new collection and now she is suspicious of me for giving it to her. She has my hoodie and my good luck charm necklace and demands a answer before she gives it back so I just walked off and she followed me and I started running and she is Nou behind this door. Tell her I'm one of your secret models or something.
Don: Alright. Go up to your room il handle this.
Y/n: Thanks mom.

I ran up the stairs and fell flat on my stomach to listen in on their Convo. Dua just walked inside and looked around but didn't spot me.

Don: Dua what are you doing here?
Dua: Donatella someone has my collection. They gave me their stuff cause they spilled their drink all over me and when they came back it was a swimsuit from my collection. What do we do?
Don: It was me hunny.
Dua: What?
Don: One of my newest models that I'm working with caused the accident and came to me and I only had your collection on me at the moment. Sorry for scaring you.
Dua: Oh alright. Here is her things back.
Don: Thank you. Ah her good luck charm. She loves that thing.
Dua: You seem close to her. I hope she doesn't take my spot.
Don: Don't worry about that dear and I'm close to all of my models.
Dua: Alright well I should get going.
Don: Don't be silly stay for dinner. I made lasagna.
Dua: Yess my fav.
Don: The model is currently staying with me and when she gets dressed in decent clothes she can come down.

I heard my mom say that while looking at the stairs how did she know. I walked to my room and got dressed in some Calvin Klein shorts and a crop top. I walked down and saw them sitting on a sofa. Still talking about their collection. I went up to them and sat next to my mom.

Don: Hi y/n.
Y/n: Hi. Thanks so much for letting me stay here.
Don: No problem. Dua this is y/n. Y/n this is Dua. The one I'm making the collection with.
Y/n: sorry again Dua.
Dua: It's ok.
Don: So enough model talking. Go wash up you two so that we can eat.
Dua: Alr.
Y/n: Oky.

I walked up stairs to wash my hand but Dua grabbed my arm when we were alone.

Dua: I don't forgive you.
Y/n: I figured. What do you want from me?
Dua: I want you to walk away from donatella.
Y/n: You think I wanted this.
Dua: What do you mean?
Y/n: Nothing. Also why do you want me away so much. Are you scared I'm gonna steal your spotlight?
Dua: Nah. A girl like you has no chance. Just look at you. Yeah your face may be pretty but your body is underweight. You look like a skeleton.
Y/n: Yeah well some of us have mental health issues unlike you. Your so full of yourself. The media is wrong about you. Your not sweet or kind. Your Satan himself.
Dua: Ah how rude.

She then started putting force on my arm and it hurted badly. I almost wanted to cry cause of the pain.

Y/n: Let go of me Satan.
Dua: Fine whatever.

She walked pass me back down stairs. I quickly followed and when I saw my mom placing my food down on the table I quickly turned around to walk back upstairs but my mom had to stop me.

Don: Not hungry?
Y/n: I'm not feeling well but enjoy the food you two.

I said that and walked back upstairs. I decided to ease drop again but only to find my mom talking about me to Dua.

Don: Shame poor girl.
Dua: Donatella why does she look like that. Aren't models supposed to be a specific weight.
Don: She has anarexia and words go to her head easily. I've tried to help as much as I can but she just wouldn't eat. She lost her father the same time I lost my husband so it's a really hard time for her.
Dua: Oh. Sorry.
Don: No need to be sorry. Wait maybe you can help.
Dua: How?
Don: She loves you. She loves your music and your way of seeing the world. Maybe you can show her the ropes of modeling?
Dua: sure.
Y/n: No!

I ran down stairs and fell down hard on my knees while looking at my mother. She had a confused look in her eyes.

Don: What do you mean no?
Y/n: I don't want to bother her with her work. I'm feeling better now. She is a very busy woman. Imma go for a late night walk and don't bother her anymore pls.
Don: Alright chill. You go clear you head while Dua finishes her food. Wait what happened to your arm? Did someone grab you?
Y/n: Yess Dua grabbed me to catch me while I ran away from her. In her defense I was the one running away to you.
Don: Wait you did this?
Dua: Yeah sorry.

My mom got a bit mad but I can't blame her. I quickly stopped it by hugging my mom until she calmed down.

Dua: Imma go donatella. Il see you tm for the fitting.
Don: Yess bye.
Y/n: Il walk you out.

I walked Dua out and she turned to me and just looked me up and down. I decided to just ignore her and started to walk away. I ended up on the beach where me and Dua first met and sat down closer to the water. The water touching my feet. I then felt uneasy. As if someone was staring at me. Before I could react I felt a tap on my shoulder....

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