Part 10

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Only regretting turning around. What the fuck is she doing here? I thought Hailee and dove chased her away or something. Nope Kristen stayed and is now holding me. I quickly looked for Dua who was busy with people. I took out my phone and called her. Kristen didn't care what I was doing. I saw Dua looking up to see where I was and she got angry to see Kristen holding me. She ended me a message.


Dua: What is she doing?
Y/n: I don't know but I don't feel well. I can't breathe.

Y/n pov

In a split of a second Kristen was thrown off me. Dua took my hand and took me to a room. She locked the door. She came to me who was having a full blown panic attack by now. I was crying and Dua was hugging me while I sat on the floor.

Dua: Breathe y/n.
Y/n: I can't.
Dua: Listen to my breathing.
Y/n: Oky.

She pulled me closer so that my head is onto her chest. I started breathing in order to sink in with hers. I held her close and she did the same. I think we are like fucked up soul mates or something. After a while there was knocking on the door but we didn't bother. Hailee called me and after I was oky Dua answered the phone for her. Dua then stood up and opened the door. Hailee and dove came rushing in. They saw me on the floor with tears.

Dove: Dua what the fuck did you do?
Hailee: Get away from here.
Y/n: Guys she helped me. Stop being so rude please.
Dua: Your friend was having a panic attack and messaged me when Kristen holded her. Hailee why didn't you do anything?
Hailee: Me? I was busy talking to the bartender.
Y/n: Guys stop it. I'm fine.

I stood up and wiped my face. If she touches me again imma smack her cause I can't with her anymore.

Dove: We kicked her out now. So just enjoy the party y/n.
Hailee: Yeah get used to celebs and talking to them. Socialize a bit.
Y/n: I am trying. I will try harder.
Dua: Good and from now on I'm not leaving your side.
Y/n: Thanks Dua.

We walked out of the room. No one really cared what's happening around them so they just carried on with the party. Dua took me to meet the Jenner's and Kardashians. They were nice but eh. I clicked with Kylie and Kendall tho. We exchanged numbers and talked. Hailee then took me and introduced me to some of the marvel cast that was there. I ended up back with Scarlett, Lizzy and flo.

Scar: where did you go?

Hailee told them what had happened and they all got a bit mad at Kristen.

Lizzy: Y/n you tell me if she comes near you again in future parties and I will kick her ass.
Y/n: Thanks I will.
Flo: She is really fucked up.
Y/n: At least Dua was there to help.
Scar: Oms Dua and you look amazing together.
Y/n: Do you guys really think so?

I said that while turning to look for Dua. I felt butterflies when I caught her staring at me. She blushed a bit and looked away.

Lizzy: Yess we do.
Flo: Am I the only one who saw Dua just blushing at y/n.
Y/n: I saw it too 😊
Hailee: Awh y/n your blushing.
Y/n: No I am not. It's just a little hot in here okay.

They all started laughing. I felt the blush grow and they laughed at me even more.

Hailee: Wait until you hear what these two got each other.
Lizzy: What?
Hailee: Dua got y/n a puppy and y/n got her the same ones brother.
Scar: That's too cute.
Flo: Y/n really knows how to win someone's heart.
Hailee: She has never dated before so you guys need to learn from her.
Lizzy: Wait have you never dated before?
Y/n: Yeah.
Scar: How?
Flo: Why?
Scar: Your like the prettiest girl I've seen so far.

I leaned into hailee's ear and whispered to her.

Y/n: Will they hold the secret?
Hailee: Yess they will.

Y/n: The reason is that I've been hidden my whole life by my mother and if it wasn't for Hailee I would still have been.
Scar: Why would your mother do that?
Y/n: Oky you guys have to keep this secret please.
Flo: Yess we will now tell us.
Y/n: Oky it's cause my mom is donatella and she doesn't want the media to portray me wrong or hurt me in anyway.
Lizzy: Awwh that makes sense.
Flo: Yeah it does.
Scar: We promise to keep this secret until the truth comes out.
Hailee: Thank you guys. Also is Duas eyes she is one of donatella's models that's I staying with her so just go with that.
Flo: Smart.
Lizzy: We will honey.
Y/n: Guys I want to tell Dua but I don't know how she would take it?
Lizzy: I suggest you tell her before it comes out.
Scar: Yepp I agree.
Flo: Same.

Before I could speak again my mom called me so I excused myself from the group and went outside to talk to her.

Mom: Hi y/n. How was your day?
Y/n: It was oky? Why are you back home?
Mom: Well I saw you handle Duas bf nice job. Also I needed to sort some issues out here. Listen I want to tell the world what amazing daughter I have. If you will let me?
Y/n: Wait really?
Mom: Yess.
Y/n: You can but can I tell Dua first.
Mom: Sure you can. Where are you rn?
Y/n: I'm at doves party.
Mom: How lovely. Is Dua there?
Y/n: Yess can I go tell her now?
Mom: Yess you may. Just text me when your done.
Y/n: Oky I will thank you mom.

She hanged up and I called Dua to meet me outside she came rushing out to see if I was in danger in witch I wasn't so she let out a sigh of relief. She came to me and stood Infront of me.

Dua:Are you okay? Do I need to take you home?
Y/n: No I'm fine. Listen I don't want to keep secrets between us and my mom allowed me to tell you before she announced it to the world. So here goes nothing. I'm donatella's child.
Dua: Your joking.
Y/n: Nop. She has hidden me my entire life to keep me safe from the media but now she feels like the time is right to tell everyone.
Dua: I don't believe this.

Just as Dua said that she got a dm from my mom saying.

Don: Hey Dua. I had a feeling you won't believe y/n but it's true. I'm sorry we lied to you but we had to keep this secret and when y/n told Hailee I decided to tell the world and come clean. Please don't get mad at y/n she wanted to tell you but I stopped her. From donatella.

Dua sighed and looked back at me.

Dua: I'm not mad at anyone. It's just a shocker.
Y/n: I know.
Dua: Gosh now I feel stupid for being so rude to you when we met.
Y/n: It's alright. I was the one who wasn't looking where I was going.
Dua: I shouldn't have yelled at you and treated you so poorly. I'm sorry.
Y/n: Dua it's fine.

She then hugged me and we went inside. Dua stayed with me while we talked to Lizzy and the rest. I sended my mom a thumbs up. She went live on insta and I could see everyone in the room joining. She told them and they all looked shocked. They all turned to me and smiled at me. Hailee hugged me and dove looked shocked as hell.

Dove: Am I the only one who didn't know?
Hailee: No.
Dove: Oky good. Wait did you know?
Hailee: Yeah I was the first.
Dove: who was the second?
Y/n: It was Lizzy, flo and Scarlett
Dove: Oky wait am I the third?
Dua: I'm the third.
Dove: So I am the fourth.
Hailee: Yess.
Dove: Oky that is still a good number.

The party went on and after a while everyone left. Me and Dua went back home to the pups. Hailey stayed with dove to clean everything.

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