Part 28

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They sended Duas team in cause the lights went off and the neon lights went on. So it was perfect to shoot. I saw Duas team enter and I shot all three of them. They all bent down but little did they know that I could still see them. I gave them a chance to get the girls cause I really wanted to shoot dove and Hailee. I saw ava shooting Hailee and Hailee shooting her back. If your shot you can't shoot back so ava was bullying Hailee and I decided to help her. I shot ava multiple times and she ran away. Hailee looked around to see who helped her but couldn't see me. I saw Dua right under me and shot her a bunch of times. She cursed while running. I started laughing cause she ran and fell over a tire. Shame poor girl, I felt bad for a second but remember that this is all fun and games. I sended her a message saying sorry and she replied with I'm going to get you. I told her that she doesn't even know where I am and will not be able to get me. I saw her put her phone back in her pocket and started shooting on dove. I shot her twice to make her back off and she did. I saw Sofia trying to sneak up to Hailee and shot her multiple times. This was just to fun. I decided to not be a pussy and go down. I removed my headband and tied it around my body under my shirt. You couldn't see it, so it worked perfectly. I took off my shocker and placed it around my ankle. I hid it under my pants and went to see if the coast was clear. I shot all of Duas team away from where I was hiding and climbed down. I then went and started running. No one could see me and I sneaked up behind them. I saw Dua hiding behind a stack of tires in the middle. I went behind her and shot her. She looked around and spotted me and I bolted away. She was chasing me now and I turned around now and then and shot at her. She gave up after a while and I got back into my hiding place. She sended me a message saying. Your cheating 😡 where is your lights? I replied with: I still have them on but you just can't see them. I tied my headband back onto the door and watched how everything played out. Dove and Hailee was captured by Duas team. Dua the texted me to come out and take a shot or otherwise the girls will get it. I sended Hailee and message and told her to run. I then shot Dua, Sofia and ava while the two ran. Dua looked pissed but she spotted me. I quickly ducked and I saw her running to me. Fuck at least the door is tied. When Dua came close I shot her, she just went and sat down. She looked me dead in the eyes and I felt bad. I decided to give up cause we have a lot of points and let her shoot me. I took my shocker off and placed it on my arm. I then went and stuck it out of the window. Her face lid up and she shot me. Fuck that hurted, I pulled my arm back and took the shocker off. It burned two tiny holes in my arm. That's not supposed to happen? I layed back and looked at my arm. I took a photo with my torch on and examed it closely. It wasn't that bad? Maybe ava and Hailee's one did the same. I quickly took my lights of the door and climbed down. I ran to Hailee and stood next to her while hiding.

Hailee: Good work y/n.
Y/n: Hailee take your shocker off for me real quick.
Hailee: Why?
Y/n: Just do it.

She started to take it off and Dua came behind us. I covered Hailee with my body while she took it off. I then turned my torch on and looked at it. It was starting to make a sore. I then took it away from her.

Hailee: Shit I didn't even noticed?
Y/n: Yeah it's faulty. I'm ending this game.
Hailee: Ava's one is also on max.
Y/n: Il go to her now.

I ran away from Dua and went to ava. I knew where her hiding spot was cause I saw it from up on my hiding spot. I went to her directly and showed my gun in the air to come off as no threat. She tried shooting me but my shocked was not on me. I then went to her side.

Y/n: Ava are you hurt?
Ava: The shocker is hurting a bit.
Y/n: Take it off.

She took it off and I turned my phones torch on. Hers was the worse than mine. It bled a little and that's when I knew that this was not right. I saw Dua looking at us two and then walked away. I ran to her and grabbed her arm. She looked pissed.

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