Part 26

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After I was done singing Dua clapped her hands and I continued with the food. I was making veggies with fish and some salad. After the food was done I called the girls to come and get some and they all stood in a line like kids.

Y/n: So that's veggies. That's salmon and that's the salad. Help yourself.
Dua: Wow thank you y/n.
Dove: Let's see if you should become a chef instead of a artist.
Hailee: Yess let's do it.

They all grabbed plates and soon we were at the table. I got us some wine to go with the meal and it seems to be going great.

Dove: Wow y/n this is amazing.
Hailee: I send all of my love to the chef.
Dua: Wow you can cook and sing? I hit the jackpot.
Y/n: Thank you guys so much.
Dua: Oh y/n. Your coming with me tm.
Y/n: Alright. Where are we going?
Dua: To the studio.
Y/n: Sounds fun.
Hailee: You guys have fun on that. Me and dove are going to a club with Sofia and Ava.
Y/n: That sounds fun.
Dove: Yeah I'm excited to meet Ava.
Y/n: Is it ava max?
Hailee: Yeah she is a sweetheart.
Y/n: Oky I have a question though. Aren't there beef with Dua and ava?
Dua: Nope. The media loves to make rumors.
Y/n: Oky that's good. Maybe she can join the group?
Hailee: We will see how she is tm and decide.
Y/n: Sounds good. I want to meet her aswel first.
Dua: Same here.
Dove: We will arrange a party then , if that's okay y/n?
Y/n: Yeah of course. Il grab us some stuff tm.
Dua: If we have time.
Y/n: Oh then il order us drinks and stuff to arrive tm.
Hailee: Sounds good.

We ate and soon I was in the shower. After I was done Dua went. We could have just showered together but oh well. Dua was done after 10 mins and we fell asleep in each other's arms.


Dua woke me up by leaving the bed to get ready. I got up after her and also got ready.

Dua: Morning love.
Y/n: Morning beautiful
Dua: We will grab breakfast on the way and order food there if we stay late. Does that sound good to you?
Y/n: It sounds perfect.
Dua: oky let's go.

We were done and I grabbed my wallet and phone. We went to her car cause I was still a bit sleepy. When we arrived Dua jumped out and opened the door for me. I got out and gave her a kiss on the cheek for being so cute. We then walked into a huge ass studio. Dua took me to her spot where she always records. When we entered there was a man waiting for u.

Coffee: Hi I'm coffee. You must be y/n.
Y/n: Yess hi coffee. It's nice to meet you.
Coffee: I can say the same. You saved Duas ass today.
Dua: Coffee..
Coffee: Oh yeah sorry. Also hi Dula peep.
Dua: Hi morning coffee.
Y/n: What did you want to tell me about saving Duas ass coffee?
Coffee: Oh it's nothing. Listen y/n I need you to show me how you want the rhyme of the song aswel as the instruments.
Y/n: Sure where can I start?
Coffee: Oky sing how you want it to sound in that booth over there. It will help me see the imagine of the song.
Y/n: Oky sure.

I went inside the booth while Dua and coffee was talking.

Dua pov

She has no idea what I'm going to do. I hope she doesn't kill me for it.

Dua: Record her coffee. I want her to be featured in the song.
Coffee: You got it.
Dua: Don't let her know about this.
Coffee: You got it.

Coffee gave y/n the thumbs up after hitting record. She sang beautifully. She had no clue and that made me happy.

Y/n pov

After I sang Dua and coffee clapped for me. I went out and sat next to Dua.

Y/n: So what do you think?
Coffee: I loved it. Show me the notes for the instrumental part.

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