Part 19

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I looked outside and saw nothing. What the hell? That was weird.

Dua: Who is at the door?
Y/n: No one.
Dua: Oky. Imma go change. Hailee we did nothing cause we're not dating yet. So you can calm down.
Hailee: Look at you defending yourself.

Dua walked off. She looked pissed. Poor girl. I sat down next to Hailee. She just laughed at me.

Y/n: What?
Hailee: That's the moment where your supposed to run after her.
Y/n: Oh shit really?
Hailee: Yeah.

I quickly got up and ran after Dua. She was in her room now. I went to the door and knocked on the side. She saw me and just pouted. I walked over to her and gave her a quick kiss before sitting down next to her.

Y/n: What's up?
Dua: Nothing. Don't worry about me y/n.
Y/n: I am allowed to worry. So are you going to tell me what's going on? Why were you so mad with Hailee.

She snapped at me and I just nodded. I walked out and went to my room. I closed the door and went over to my balcony. I sat down on my swinging chair. Lula joined me cause she was in the room and sat down next to me on the floor. I picked her up and just layed down. I looked at the stars. I played music on my phone and sang to it. I found out that this really calms me.

Dua pov

I snapped at her. The hurt in her eyes gave it away. Before I could apologize she was out of the door. I didn't know what to do so I just sat here. Did I just push away the person I like the most. I heard the doorbell again. I went and checked this time. There was no one. This was starting to get creepy. I went back to my room. I decided to just sleep this off.

Y/n pov

I decided to go for a late night drive. I got up and took lila with me. Hailee was in her room and so was Dua. I grabbed my Keys and went out. I opened the garage. I then went inside and opened my car and got it. I placed Lula down next to me and turned the car on. I then drove out of the garage and onto the road. I saw Hailee looking at me through the window. I just drove off and went to get me and Lula some Starbucks. She has to try their pup cup. So when I got to Starbucks I got myself a watermelon flavoured drink and her a pup cup. She was enjoying it. I then drove to park str. I then parked and got out. There was a big ass park and I just sat on one of the swings. Lula stayed by my side. I was looking up at the stars while swinging. I played music on my phone while doing this for about a hour. I decided to go back and get some sleep in. I picked Lula up since she was sleeping by now. I placed her in the back seat and drove home. I saw a bar on the way to the house and decided to stop for a very quick drink. I got out and took lula with me. We went inside and there wasn't a lot of people there. I quickly went over to the bartender and sat down by the bar. Lula was on my lap sleeping.

Bartender: Hi. What can I get you?
Y/n: Uhm let me think. A shot of vodka and a wine bottle.
Bartender: Coming right up.

He gave me the shot and a wine bottle. I took the shot snd payed him. I then took my bottle and placed it in the car. I placed Lula in the front seat next to me and drove home. If I stayed I will not have been able to make it back. I just got back and Hailee was waiting for me in the garage. She looked pissed. I parked my car inside the garage and got out with lula in one hand and the wine bottle in the other. Hailee came up to me directly.

Hailee: Where did you go?
Y/n: I went on a drive.
Hailee: Y/n it's 1 am.
Y/n: Yeah I know.
Hailee: Where did you get that wine bottle?
Y/n: I got it from the bar. Don't worry I just took one shot and the bottle.
Hailee: Oky if you say so. Dua was sleeping the whole time.
Y/n: Yeah I know.
Hailee: Why didn't you take her with?
Y/n: Cause she was sleeping. Now if you can excuse me I wanna go drink this and sleep.
Hailee: Oky.

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