Part 38

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Guys I have no motivation to write. Il update slowly when I can. I'm forcing myself to write this chapter for you guys. I'm just very busy with exams and work. So il try my best to get my motivation back to write.
Duas pov

Y/n went and spend time with rain. She was walking him on the beach and that gave us the perfect time to hide everything for tonight. Dove and Hailee took everything to their rooms and I hid the snacks.

Rina: Are you guys done yet?
Dua: Yeah I just finished. Why?
Rina: Cause y/n is coming back.
Dua: Il check up on the girls.

I walked to the girls room and saw that they were finished. I went and got dressed and y/n just came into our room.

Dua: Hey love? Did you enjoy walking rain?
Y/n: Yess very much. What u doing?
Dua: Just getting dressed. I'm taking you out now so get dressed.
Y/n: What should I wear?
Dua: Casual.
Y/n: Oky.

Y/n got dressed and we left. We are going to stay out long cause the girls are setting up the movie night. I'm taking her to the mall and buy her what ever she wants.

Y/n pov

We arrived at the mall and we got out. Dua took my hand as we walked. I saw a abandoned house on the side of the mall. It was a bit away from the mall and I saw people exploring. I pointed for Dua to see and she laughed.

Dua: Those people are crazy.
Y/n: No they are not. I love to explore myself.
Dua: Oh I didn't know that.
Y/n: Yeah. I used to watch Sam and Colby. I loved the videos where they colab with Kris and Celina.
Dua: Maybe you should join them one day?
Y/n: Yeah maybe.

I looked over at the people that were standing on the rooftop now. They looked very familiar. One was a ginger girl and the other was a black haired girl. Wait is that Celina and Kris?

Y/n:That is Celina and Kris.
Dua: Actually?
Y/n: Yess.
Dua: Do you want to go and say hi?
Y/n: Yess please.
Dua: Alright then.

We walked to the building and climbed under the fence. Luckily we dressed causal otherwise our suit or dress would be ruined. Kris and Celina saw us and thought we were security and ducked. I ran and Dua followed me. I ran inside the building and up the stairs. Dua was struggling to keep up but managed. I ran into a man and fell back. He turned around and stuck his hand out for me. I took it and saw it was sam.

Y/n: Oh my soul. I'm so sorry.
Sam: No no it's okay.
Celina: Two securities just came in we have to go.
Kris: That's them run.
Dua: We aren't securities.
Colby: Arent you Dua lipa?
Dua: Yess.
Sam: That makes you y/n
Y/n: You know my name?
Kris: Yeah we do. We love you two.
Celina: So we were about to run from celebs. This will make a cool video.
Kris: Calm down Celina.
Sam: Why are you guys here?
Dua: Well my girlfriend here y/n. She loves you guys and saw you two up there and so we basically came to say hi and meet you guys.
Sam: That's so cool that y/n watches our videos.
Kris: This is too cute.
Celina: Are you into the super natural?
Y/n: Yess I am. I love to explore haunted houses and stuff. I used to do it all by myself when I was younger.
Colby: That's so cool. Do you have a story?
Y/n: Actually Yess I do have.
Kris: I need to hear this.
Dua: Same.

We all say down in a circle. The boys placed haunted equipment around us for ghost. I sat next to Dua and Kris.

Y/n: Oky so here it goes. I was in France and my mom rented me a hotel. She was busy with Dua here for some photoshoot. She had her own place and was not here with me.

It happens in a quaint hotel nestled in the heart of France. I found myself in a room shrouded in mystery. Whispers of a haunting had circulated amongst the staff and other guests, but Y/N remained undeterred.

As the night settled in, Y/N felt an unexplainable chill in the air. Shadows danced on the walls, amplifying her curiosity. With a mix of trepidation and fascination, she decided to embrace the supernatural presence that lingered within her room.

As Y/N lay on her bed, the creaking of the floorboards resonated throughout the room. Suddenly, a soft voice floated through the air, calling out for freedom. It was the ghostly manifestation of an elderly man, trapped between the living world and whatever awaited him beyond.

Seized with empathy, Y/N felt a connection to the restless spirit. Determined to help, she embarked on a journey to uncover the man's story and release him from his ethereal

The group sat in awe and I just giggled.

Sam: So did you help the man?
Y/n: I didn't know how.
Colby: We should go to that hotel with y/n and help him.
Kris: I can't agree more.
Celina: When do we leave?
Dua: She can go tomorrow.
Sam: Sounds good. We will fly to France tomorrow and help this elderly man.
Y/n: Yaay I can't wait. Dua your coming with?
Dua: I'm going to London and get the pups tomorrow. Il bring them back here and we will spend our vacation further?
Y/n: Awwh oky.
Dua: Don't worry. Il be alright love.
Y/n: Alright.
Sam: Well we got all of the footage that we needed for this video.
Colby: Yess. Y/n book a flight for 8pm tomorrow to France. We will dm you what plane we will be using and stuff.
Y/n: Oky sounds good.

We all greeted each other and left. Me and Dua went back to the mall and walked around.

Y/n: See that's why I like them.
Dua: Yeah they are cool.
Y/n: So what are we doing here?
Dua: Get anything you want. It's on me
Y/n: Really?
Dua: Yess.
Y/n: Awwh thanks baby.

We walked into a bookstore and I got myself some books. Dua did aswel and people started to recognize us. We quickly got ourself a ice cream before leaving. Dua drove to the side of the building that was abandoned and asked me to take a pic.

 Dua drove to the side of the building that was abandoned and asked me to take a pic

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She was satisfied with the pics and we left

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She was satisfied with the pics and we left. We ate our ice creams while driving around for a bit. That's until we got home.

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