Part 23

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The morning came quick and the sun was rising. I woke up happy that Dua was back in my arms. I decided not to wake her and get us some breakfast. So I got out of bed and slipped some comfy but fashion clothes on. My favorite Calvin Klein. Yess I know it's a underwear brand but they do make some nice t shirts and pants. I wore my white sneakers and went out of the room. Lula followed me so I gave her some dog food in her bowl. I also have the other pups some food. They all came rushing to eat. I then left the house and drove to the nearest take away place. It was a KFC. I remember Dua loves eggs and fruits in the morning. So I got her a breakfast wrap and decided to get us all the same. She loves fruits so I drove to s smoothie shop and got them mixed berry smoothies. I got myself a watermelon smoothie. I then drove back home.

Dua pov

I woke up and saw y/n not next to me. Where did she go? Is she okay? I decided to check the house. She wasn't here and her car wasn't aswel? Did she leave me? I woke everyone up and asked them if y/n told them where she was going but no one knew. Shit maybe she was kidnapped? Romain did say he was going after her? He is in jail so he couldn't. I went back to her room and just curdled up in bed. I started crying. Why am I crying? I did see she gave the pups breakfast. Maybe she got us breakfast? I decided to not jump to conclusions cause she is maybe just out.

Y/n pov

I just got back and my garage door was open? I did close it. What the hell? I decided to see if the girls was oky. So I rushed inside directly to my room to see if Dua is okay. When I opened the door she was all curdled up in a ball crying. Why is she crying? Who hurted her?

Y/n: Dua?
Dua: Omfs y/n you scared me? Where have you been? Are you okay?
Y/n: Dua I'm fine. I went and got us some breakfast. Are you okay?
Dua: I'm okay now that I know your here.
Y/n: Did you think I was going to leave and never come back?

She just nodded her head. I went over to her side and basically jumped on her with a hug. I held her close to me and let her cry it out. After a while she calmed down and we got the food out of the car. I placed it down on my island in the kitchen and she seemed okay.

Dua: How did you know about my egg and fruit diet?
Y/n: Wait I thought it's your favs?
Dua: It kinda is. I love how your planning the meals around me now.
Y/n: I will do whatever it takes to fit in with your world and diet Dua. If it matters to you then it matters to me aswel.
Dua: Awwh thank you y/n. You can still eat your own stuff but hearing you say that made me very happy that your taking my diet in notice.
Y/n: It's a pleasure Dua.
Dua: How did you know?
Y/n: Google and common sense.
Dua: Oh 😂

She helped me place all of the rests food in different plates and we went and gave it to them. Dua was loving her smoothie as we were sitting on the couch by now. I don't mind eating at a table but Its breakfast and I'm tired. Me and Dua was eating our food in peace and sharing bites now and then. The others came all at once down stairs and joined us.

Brittany: So what's the plans for today?
Hailee: Don't know yet?
Rebel: Maybe we should go and watch barbie since some of us haven't seen it yet?
Anna: Maybe but a day in doesn't sounds as bad. What do you think y/n?
Y/n: Well I still can't see very well but I don't mind. We can do whatever. Dua what do u wanna do?
Dua: Well I am planning something for tonight but otherwise I don't mind.
Hailee: Oh what are you planning?
Dua: Il tell you later.
Rebel: We can go ice skating aswel?
Y/n: No! Shit sorry.
Hailee: Y/n it's fine. It's maybe too soon for her?
Anna: Wait what happened.

Hailee told them the story and I could see Dua getting mad. Not at Hailee but at what happened. I held her hand and gave it a light squeeze. She gave me a squeeze back and calmed down.

Rebel: Oh shit sorry y/n.
Y/n: It's alright. I think I should just get over my fears.
Anna: That's a oky idea.
Dua: Y/n but your sight isn't back yet?
Y/n: I know Dua but you will be there to help me.
Dua: Yeah I know but I don't want you to get hurt again.
Y/n: I know Dua. It's okay we don't have to.
Hailee: How about something more chill like a lady spa day or a pool day?
Brittany: Spa day.
Rebel: I could use a massage.
Dua:Same. Y/n?
Y/n: Sure why not.
Hailee: Oky great. Il book us a time and then we can go.
Y/n: Can I go and do shopping first? I want to get me something for the house?
Hailee: Sure. Il book us for 1pm. Be back by then.
Y/n: Oky I will.
Dua: Can I come with?
Y/n: Sure Dua.

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