Part 37

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Dua started kissing me down my neck. I layed on the bed and she was on top of me. Her hand went down my waist. She grabbed my ass and started getting worked up. She left marks all over me and I was whimpering under her.

Dua pov

I moved my hands up and down her waist and I got worked up. I left bite marks around her boobs and she was whimpering under me. I got more worked up and started biting her. She moaned a little and I moved down. I left kisses down her neck and breast. I then bit her inner thigh and she let out a loud whimper. I decided to not mess with her and stuck my fingers inside her already wet cult. I moved my fingers around in circles and she was a moaning mess.

Y/n: That's so good.
Dua: Come for me baby.

Her walls started to built up and I pushed my fingers deep inside of her. That was enough for her to tip over the edge and she came. I ate her up and she flipped us around. I layed down for her to do me.

Y/n pov

I flipped us over and started sucking on Duas neck. I then went directly for her boobs. They were a little sensitive and I knew to be gentle. I gave her hickeys all over her breast and neck. I then went down to her heat. I took a big lick and she was moaning my name. I got worked up and stuck my fingers inside of her and pumped it in and out. If she can walk tomorrow it will be a miracle. I moved faster and faster until she couldn't take it anymore. She came into my hand and I ate her up. I kissed her and we both could taste ourself inside of our mouths. Dua was tired and cuddled her naked body against mine. I held her close and played with her hair. She soon fell asleep. I did aswel.

The next morning.

Dua pov

I woke up before y/n. She was sleeping peacefully and I got up. I got dressed and went to Hailee. My head was pounding and I grabbed some meds on the way. I also grabbed us some water cause I knows she will need it. I got inside her room and she was laying on her back looking as if she died.

Dua: Now you look like shit.
Hailee: I know. I feel like shit aswel
Dua: Well here are some meds for u.
Hailee: Awwh thanks.

I handed her the meds and sat down next to her. She drank the pills and sat up.

Hailee: So what are we doing for y/n's party?
Dua: I am getting horses now and tonight we are having a horror movie nights. I got us bean bags to lay on and each has their own tiny table to place their drinks on.
Hailee: Wait did you buy horses?
Dua: No this place has horses and they are going to bring them to surprise y/n on a trail ride on the beach.
Hailee: Awwh that's sweet.
Dua: Yeah me and y/n will be gone for a while. Can you guys hide the bean bags while we are gone?
Hailee:Yeah sure.
Dua: Thanks. I gotta go and wake sleeping beauty.
Hailee: Good luck with that. Also what did you guys do after the party?
Dua: Stuff 😏
Hailee: You guys are unbelievable. I'm sad now cause I'm single.
Dua: We can always find you someone. Y/n will love that.
Hailee: When you guys come back she can find me someone.
Dua: Il tell her.

I walked out back to our room. Y/n was still asleep. She was pale in the face and I placed my hand on her forehead. She moved away and I tried again. She placed the blanket over her head.

Y/n pov

I felt a cold hand on my forehead and I moved my head away. The hand touched my forehead again and I hid my head under the covers

Y/n: You hand is cold.
Dua: Morning to you too love.
Y/n: I feel like shit Dua. What's the time?
Dua: It's 7am.
Y/n: So your telling me I can sleep more.
Dua: No I have a surprise for you. Get dressed.

I jumped up and got dressed. That was a mistake. I felt light headed and dizzy. I went back to the bed and sat down. Dua was confused and came to my side.

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