Part 15

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I woke up around 8 am. I felt like shit. What happened last night? Wait I remember me and Duas chat. I had to tell her that I love her today. I turned to see her not here. I stood up and went to kitchen to see if she was there but she wasn't. What the hell? I quickly checked the bathroom and she wasn't there aswel. Did she really abandon me? Bailey was gone aswel was Dexter. Maybe she was just out?
I took my phone out and decided to call her. No answer. I sended her a message but it didn't went through. I went on insta and her name didn't pop up when I searched it. What did I do wrong? I climbed back in bed and held Lula close to me. I cried hard cause how could I be played by someone like that. I heard someone enter the room and didn't bother to look who it was.

Hailee: Y/n? Are you okay?
Y/n: Just leave me alone please.
Hailee: What happened?
Y/n:I don't want to talk about it.
Hailee: Y/n I'm your friend. Your supposed to tell me what's wrong. That's why friends are here.
Y/n: I don't wanna talk about it Hailee.
Hailee: Oky il give you space then.

She left and closed my door. I just kept crying until I fell asleep.

Hailee's pov

What's wrong with her? Who broke her heart? Dua wait no she would never. I decided to text dove and see what's going on with Dua. She responded by said that Dua is in London busy with another barbie premiere. She is with Dua but Dua looks sad. Did she do something to y/n?! I asked dove to ask her what's up and Dua told her. Dove told me that Dua has feeling for y/n but is scared that she is going to hurt y/n so she just left. What the fuck? I called Dua and she picked up.

Dua: How bad is it?
Hailee: Bitch she is crying her heart out. You better come back and make this right.
Dua: I don't deserve her.
Hailee: You never even given it a chance Dua. You made y/n fall in love with you. You allowed yourself to fall in love with her and I will not sit here and let you break my best friends heart like this. So you better come back.
Dua: Hailee calm down. Il be back tm.
Hailee: If you really loved her you would be here right now. Supporting her.

I said that and hanged up. I went to check up on y/n. She was asleep. Her pillow was wet of the tears. I took a pic and sended it to dove. She said she is gonna grab Dua by the ears and bring her back. I decided to make my best friend feel better. I shook her lightly. She woke up and started tearing up again.

Y/n pov

How was I so stupid. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Hailee. I only started crying more but she pulled me into a hug.

Hailee: I know this is hard. Dua left cause she felt like she wasn't good enough for you.
Y/n: She felt that. I've been feeling that for a while now but decided to tell her how I feel last night. I made a promise to tell her that I loved her when I woke up. Do you know the heartbreak I felt when she wasn't in the house. She left me Hailee.
Hailee: I know. I know. We will fix this. You both are scared and unsure but I'm sure Dua will be back.

Hailee hugged me once more and then stayed with me. I decided to sleep off the sadness.

Hailee pov

Dove informed me that Dua got to her senses and took her private jet back. She is going to arrive any minute now.
I hope y/n will be able to handle her. I just hope everything works out for them. I heard the doorbell. Oh and y/n's mom is back home. She left early the morning. When I opened the door Dua was there looking all sorry.

Dua: Is she still here?
Hailee: She is sleeping again.
Dua: I made a mistake Hailee and I'm sorry.
Hailee: I know. Let's hope y/n will forgive you.
Dua: Y/n.
Y/n: Dua your back.

Y/n pov

I felt Hailee move from the bed and decided to get out of bed aswel. I saw Dua talking to Hailee. My heart was pulling me towards her.

Y/n: Your back?
Dua: I will never leave you again. I was unsure and insecure. I'm really so

Before she could finish my lips locked with hers. She was shocked but then kissed me back. I was crying happy tears by now and Dua was aswel. I hugged her after the kiss. I was only 3cm shorter than her.

Hailee: Awwh you guys are going to make me cry.
Dua: I'm never leaving your side.
Y/n: Neither am I.
Dua: So y/n can I take you out on a date tonight.
Y/n: Yess.
Hailee: Yay. Come y/n you need to prepare. Thanks for you being here Dua but you have to go so that I can get this beautiful girl of yours more pretty.
Y/n: She can stay Hailee. I want her to stay and it's still a bit early.
Dua: Hailee you were the one that demanded me to come back and now your kicking me out. Hell nah I'm staying.
Hailee: How will you dress mhm? I'm not sending my bestie out with you looking like a rat.
Y/n: Oky you both need to chill. Dua stays end of Convo.
Hailee: Alright.
Dua: Oky.

Hailee went back to her room after she said alright. I pulled Dua in by the collar of her t shirt. I kissed her hard and she slip some tongue in. Our lips danced in sync. It was a beautiful dance that I loved. We had to pull away for air after a while.

Dua: Gosh how I love kissing you already.
Y/n: Oh really.

I pecked her lips before sprinting away. I was still in my PJs and ran out to the back. Dua was quick to follow. She grabbed me by my waist. She pulled me closer to her. We were standing next to the pool. She turned me around so that my back was facing the pool.

Dua: Don't run away from me.
Y/n: Oh a little teasing never hurted anyone.
Dua: Nah.

She kissed me hard. She leaned more on me and it took a second for me to flip us around. She was facing the pool so I had a idea. I leaned into her and before she knew it I pushed her into the pool. Before she could come up I jumped in.

Dua: What the hell?
Y/n: Oh just me being smooth.
Dua: Yeah very smooth y/n.

She quickly pecked my lips. I wrapped my legs around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder. She held me close with her arms.

Dua: Don't worry y/n Il always be here.
Y/n: I know. Just enjoying the moment a bit more.
Dua: It's getting cold in here.
Y/n: Im going to hold you forever.
Dua: Alright.

Dua got out while I still held onto her. She laughed at how cute I was and called Hailee to bring us a towel. Hailee came out and laughed at me being a monkey.

Hailee: Are you sure your a human y/n?
Y/n: Yeah why?
Hailee: You look like a monkey.

Before I could say anything Hailee took a photo of us and handed us a towel. She ran inside and I knew she was going to send that to the group.

Y/n: Dua she is going to send that photo to the group.
Dua: We have to stop her y/n. I look horrible
Y/n: You don't.

I climbed off her and ran inside. I forgot I was still wet and when I ran inside I slipped and fell. Hailee was laughing at me and took another photo. This bitch. Dua quickly came and helped me up.

Dua: You oky there?
Y/n: No my side hurts and Hailee took another photo.
Dua: Awwh does someone need their bottle?
Y/n: Only if it's a wine bottle.
Dua: Haha smooth y/n.

She picked me up and ran upstairs to Hailee with me. She threw me on Hailee and I grabbed her phone. I tossed it to Dua while I held Hailee down.

Y/n: Dua send me the photo and delete it for Hailee.
Dua: Got it.
Hailee: Don't you dare
Dua: Already did.

She tossed the phone back to me and I gave it to Hailee.

Hailee: Damm you guys make a great team. I underestimated you guys.
Y/n: Oh we know.
Hailee: well you haven't thought of my backup plan.

Before I could react my phone started to ping. Dove sended it on the group. At least just the me and Dua photo.

Dua: How?
Hailee: Dove and me share a album on photos so I just added it and a quick reminder on her phone came on. It took her brains to figure out what was going to happen and what I wanted to do and boom.
Y/n: That was actually really smart.
Hailee: Thank you.
Dua: We must open a album y/n.
Y/n: Yeah. We can put our ugly photos on there and the good ones. Also some to get Hailee back.
Dua: Yess great idea.

We walked over to my room as I grabbed some clean clothes. Her bag was now in my room and she did the same. I went to shower in my mom's room and she showered in mine. After we are done here date night will begin

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