Part 27

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Y/n: Duaaaa.
Dua: What? Oh.
Y/n: How am I going to hide this?!

She started laughing. My neck was covered in hickeys. This bitch. The girls will bully me if they see this.

Y/n: Dua this is not funny.
Dua: It's a little bit.

I heard the door open and close. The girls was back.

Dua: They are back.
Y/n: No shit Sherlock, get dressed. I'm going to shower.

I got in the shower after closing the door. I tried massaging my neck so that the bruises doesn't show that much. After I was done showering I got dressed. I decided to hide it with makeup. So I sat down Infront of my mirror and started applying it. This shit works like a bomb. It was gone for now. Dua was downstairs by now and I decided to greet the girls and plan dinner. As I walked downstairs I heard a unfamiliar voice. Oms really girls. They brought ava back with them. I decided to just chill and greet them.

Y/n: Hi you guys. Your back early?
Hailee: Hi y/n Yess we decided to continue here if you don't mind?
Y/n: Not at all.
Ava: Hi y/n. I heard so much about you.
Y/n: Hi ava that's good to know. I heard much about you too.
Dove: Oky well y/n we will be at the bar if your looking for us.
Y/n: Oky enjoy.

They walked off and Dua started laughing. They all turned around to see why she was laughing.

Hailee: You good Dua?
Dove: She has lost it completely.
Dua: Hailee come here real quick.
Hailee:uh oky.

She went over to Dua who was whispering something in hailee's ear. Hailee started laughing and went over to dove. She whispered in doves ear and dove started laughing aswel.

Y/n: Guys really?
Hailee: So y/n how is your neck feeling?
Y/n: I knew it fuck y'all.

I said that and walked back to my room. Dua didn't follow me. She just laughed with the rest. Such a bitch if you ask me. I went straight to my balcony and layed down on my swinging chair. I pulled out my vape and took a pull. Dua walked in the room and closed the door. She then came and layed next to me.

Y/n: Your sleeping on the couch tonight.
Dua: Ah why?
Y/n: Cause you told the whole world what u did to my neck. Dua that's something that's supposed to be between us.
Dua: Are you mad?
Y/n: Nope. You have no proof so yeah.
Dua: How did you get rid of it so quick?
Y/n: Magic.
Dua: Come-on y/n. I need to know cause my chest is covered in it and I have a show to do in two days.
Y/n: What show?
Dua: Oh it was supposed to be a surprise. Oh well. So since you haven't seen future nostalgia, imma do a private show basically just for you but fans are invited. You will be standing in the front away from the fans
Y/n: I love you so much. Also it's not gone I just used makeup.
Dua: I love you more mi amor.
Y/n: Oh we love each other equally.
Dua: Can't agree cause I love you more
Y/n: Yeah sure.

I took another pull and Dua pulled out her cigarette box. She took one out and lid it. This is the first time she smoked with me. I'm happy she trusts me.

Dua: You wanna try?
Y/n: Sure why not?

She handed me the cig and I took a pull. It wasn't that bad but not my taste. I handed it back to her and took a pull from my vape.

Dua: You don't like it?
Y/n: No it's alright I just dont have the taste for it. I prefer my flavored air.
Dua: Can I try yours?
Y/n: Sure.

I handed her the vape and she took a pull. Her eyes went big when she inhaled it.

Y/n: You good?
Dua: I have vaped before but this is the best thing I've ever smoked. What flavor is it?
Y/n: Oh that's good to know. That's a blueberry razz lemonade. I have a watermelon ice pod aswel.
Dua: I'm getting me this. Can I try the watermelon?
Y/n: Sure.

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