Part 4

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Before I could open it Dua barged in like she owned the house and sat down on my chair. She looked kinda jealous.

Dua: Hey y'all.
Y/n: Hi Dua.
Hailee: Hi Dua.
Dua: So what are you guys doing?
Hailee: We are watching a movie.
Dua: What movie?
Y/n: Ginny and Georgia.
Dua: Lame. Do you guys wanna play truth or dare.
Y/n: Uh I'm up for it if Hailee is.
Hailee: Sure. Who is going to start?
Dua: Oky I will. The person I ask can choose who will be their question. Sounds simple?
Y/n: Yeah alr.
Dua: Hailee truth or dare?
Hailee: Truth?
Dua: Uhm. When is the next season of Hawkeye coming out?
Hailee: You know I can't answer that but i will say soon.
Dua: Alright.
Hailee: Y/n truth or dare?
Y/n: Truth.
Hailee: Uhm what is your fav memory so far?
Y/n: Last night.
Hailee: I knew it 😂.
Dua: What happened last night?
Y/n: Something I know and you won't. Dua truth or dare?
Dua: Uhm Dare.
Y/n: Uhm.

Hailee wispered something in my ear and I couldn't really make out what she was saying but I kinda did so.

Y/n: I Dare you to give your phone to me unlocked for 10 minutes.
Dua: Alright.

She gave us her phone and went on insta. We posted a bunch of ugly photos of dua on her insta saying I look fabulous. We then handed her phone back and she didn't bother to look at it.

Dua: Y/n truth or dare?
Y/n: Truth
Dua: When was the last time you actually ate?
Y/n: Today. Hailee truth or dare?

I looked at Hailee. She was sending daggers to Dua but quickly stopped when she saw I was looking at her.

Hailee: Dare.
Y/n: Uhm. I dare you to idk.
Dua: Wait I have a idea.
Hailee: It's her question not yours. Give her a sec.
Dua: Gosh is she always this slow.
Hailee: Dua.
Y/n: I dare you to dress up martini for the shoot.
Hailee: Deal. Let's go get some stuff for it.
Y/n: Okie sounds good.

We stood up and I took my sushi to place it back in the fridge. Dua was confused.

Y/n: Your sushi is in the kitchen if you haven't found it.
Dua: Oh alr thx.

We walked to the kitchen and I placed my sushi in the fridge. My mom was watching a movie while doing some work and I quickly came in from of her.

Don: What do you want?
Y/n: Can martini come with us? We are going to dress her up and everything.
Don: Sure.
Y/n: Thanks mo.. thanks.

We walked out of the house and went to the car. We then went to the closest pet ware shop and went inside. We were searching for a dress type of suit she can wear. We found a beautiful blue dress and got it for her. When we wanted to head out I saw a beautiful puppy with the cutest eyes. It was a Australia shepered dog. It had blue eyes and I took a pic of her. The place told me she is up for adoption but no one wants to adopt her cause she is blind in one of her eyes. Awwh poor pup.

She was just the cutest

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She was just the cutest. I posted on my insta about her and her story and then went out. Me and Hailee walked back into the house and saw Dua was gone. Thank goodness. My mom wasn't here aswel. She was probably doing prep for the show. I decided to call her to ask where she was.

Don: Yello?
Y/n: Where are you?
Don: Doing some prep with the models for today. Il send my car in about 3 hours to come and get you guys. You can wear comfortable clothes cause you and Hailee will dress here.
Y/n: Oky sounds good. Where is Dua?
Don: She is supposed to be with you guys?
Y/n: Well she isn't here so.
Don: That's not normal. Il call her.
Y/n: Oki bye.

I declined and looked at Hailee. She was trying to catch martini to place the dress on her. I went up in front of her and martini ran to me and hid behind me.

Y/n: Someone doesn't wanna dress up?
Hailee: Yeah I can see that.
Y/n: Here let me help. Is this her first time?
Hailee: Yes.
Y/n: Then she will be running. You have to make her comfortable with it first and build her confidence otherwise she will hate it.
Hailee: Do you wanna try?
Y/n: Yeah sure

She gave me the dress and I bent down to martini. I was now on my knees and giving her treats. I also showed her the dress and spoke softly to her. She was the confident enough and I placed it on her.

Y/n: See it's about confidence and timing.
Hailee: Your so good with dogs omfs.
Y/n: Yeah I know thanks.

The doorbell rang and I was confused. I went and opened the door. Omfg really. Dua was standing there with a massive hoodie on her and something inside of it.

Dua: Can I come in?
Y/n: Sure.
Dua: Y/n can I talk with you alone?
Hailee: I don't think that's a good idea.
Y/n: It's fine hailee. Il be right back.

I went to my room and Dua followed. I then closed the door and she sat on my chair.

Y/n: What's up?
Dua: I wanna say sorry. I'm not usually mean and all but I was so stressed that day about the shoot and everything.
Y/n: I don't forgive easily. I will try tho.
Dua: Yess I know and that's why I got you this.

She opened her hoodie and the puppy came out. Omfs this girl.

Y/n: You got the dog. That so cute of you. You have to name her and take good care of her.
Dua: It's yours y/n.
Y/n: What?
Dua: Yeah I got you the pup.
Y/n: Wow idk what to say. Thank you so much.
Dua: Pleasure. Am I forgiven now?
Y/n: Maybe il see. You still have to prove to me that you aren't that mean to everyone.

The puppy saw me and rushed to me. She knew who i was and climbed into my lap. She then fell asleep. I texted Hailee that she can come now and she quickly did. When she saw the puppy she glared at Dua.

Hailee: You know gifts doesn't make people forget what you did to them.
Dua: Ah I'm guessing you told Hailee.
Y/n: Was I not allowed to.
Dua: Uh whatever I gotta go get ready for the show.
Y/n: Bye.

She walked out and I heard her car drive off. Hailee looked at me with curiosity in her eyes.

Y/n: She said sorry snd gave me the puppy. I don't know if I should forgive her or not.
Hailee: Play hard to get. Test the waters and see how far she would go.
Y/n: Alright. This little girl needs a name tho.
Hailee: What about martini. 😂
Y/n: How about Lula.
Hailee: That fits. Also where is lula going to stay when we go to the show?
Y/n: She can come with. I just need a leash.
Hailee: Be right back.

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