Part 16

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After we're done here date night will begin. Dua told me to wait in my room while she was busy with something. I didn't know what but I was very curious. After about 10 min of waiting she knocked on my door.

Y/n: Come in Dua.
Dua: Oky mi lady.

She looked stunning. Wearing a suit. I wore a black dress that fit perfect for my body. She had a rose in her hand. It was a black rose. Wait how did she get one?

Dua: Will you please join me outside miss?
Y/n: Sure thing.

She gave me the rose and I smelled it. I then placed my arm around hers as she took me outside. Her Porsche was standing there. She opened the door for me and then went to her side once I got in.

Y/n: So where are you taking me?
Dua: Oh it's a surprise.
Y/n: Just so you know I don't like fancy places.
Dua: Noted. What places do you like?
Y/n: Well I figured out I like common dates yk. Like movies, picnic at the beach, going on a trail walk in the forest and finding a beautiful waterfall.
Dua: Then it's settled.
Y/n: What is?
Dua: For me to know and for you to wait and see.
Y/n: Your not gonna tell me? Are you?
Dua: Nope.

Dua pov

Oky well this ruined my plan. I was going to take her to a fancy restaurant but I guess that won't work. Think Dua think. Wait Hailee can help. I sended her a message and explained everything. She sended me a location and told me to go there. She will bring snacks later. So I started the car and drove to the location. Y/n was looking a bit nervous so I placed my hand on her thigh.

Y/n pov

Im scared cause this is my first date ever. I wonder what Dua had planned? I think I messed up her plan cause she texted Hailee something. Shit y/n.

Y/n: You know I don't mind what you had planned for the date.
Dua: I know. I just want you to like it and to like me.
Y/n: Dua don't stress too much about it. I already like you. Let me drive and make you feel special.
Dua: I was the one supposed to take you out.
Y/n: I know but let me take care of the first date. You can do the second one. Deal?
Dua: Deal.

She stopped next to the road and we switched places. She sended me the location Hailee sended her and I immediately recognize the place. So I turned back and ordered us some sushi and got us some wine. I then drove us to the place. Dua was silent and I knew she was upset about it but I want her to feel special. I placed my hand on her thigh this time to see her breathing faster.

Y/n: You okay there?
Dua: Yepp.
Y/n: Don't lie Dua.
Dua: Just a bit nervous.
Y/n: Haha now you know how I felt. Don't worry about it Dua. Your doing great.
Dua: This is your first date. How are you so calm?
Y/n: Am I supposed to freak out and cause us to get into a car accident. No that's not me. I am nervous but I keep it pushed down.
Dua: Well your doing great.
Y/n: Thanks Dua. You too.

I pulled into the parking lot and climbed out. Dua did aswel. I carried the sushi and she carried the wine. I sometimes come here to calm down so I knew where everything was. Dua placed her hand around my waist and I gave her a side hug. When we arrived Dua looked in shock.

Y/n: See I told you it will work out by itself.
Dua: This is beautiful y/n. How did you know about this place?
Y/n: I often jog here.
Dua: That's really cool.

Dua took a pic of the view and then a pic of our sushi

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Dua took a pic of the view and then a pic of our sushi.

Dua took a pic of the view and then a pic of our sushi

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Dua was so happy of the view and how things worked out

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Dua was so happy of the view and how things worked out. We sat down on a rock that was like table flat and placed the sushi behind us. Aswel as our wine. Dua just looked at the waterfall.

Y/n: If I didn't know that you were inlove with me I'd think you will be inlove with the waterfall.
Dua: Haha shh don't tell my date.
Y/n: Ah Dua. To be fair I will too.
Dua: Ahh bitch.
Y/n: What are you going to do huh?
Dua: I'm going to kiss you.
Y/n: You will have to catch me first.

I ran to the side of the water and quickly got undressed. Dua looked at me in shock when I dove in.

Y/n: What are you a chicken?
Dua: No that just shocked me.
Y/n: And you still have to catch me.
Dua: Oh yeah right.

Dua took her clothes off slowly. She then jumped in next to me. Holy fuck she is beautiful. The way her body is built and all of the curves. I'm not even talking about her abs yet. Like damn. I'm a lucky sun of a bitch. Dua quickly came and kissed me. She held me up cause I couldn't stand. So I wrapped my legs around her waist and pulled her close to me.

Dua: You know if you wanted me naked you could just say so.
Y/n: Now what's the fun in that. Also did I forget to mention how beautiful you are looking like. Damn my mama is hot.
Dua: I can say the same for you.

She kissed me and I kissed her back. She depend the kiss by slipping some tongue in. I did aswel. She grabbed my ass and I gasped cause of her cold hands. We then stopped kissing for air.

Dua: I really like you y/n.
Y/n: I like you too Dua.

I pecked her on her lips and quickly swam out. She joined me and we got dressed after drying ourself's with her jacket. Cause we didn't think of a towel. We are currently laying next to each other holding hands while watching the stars.

Dua: Do you think the world will approve of us?
Y/n: I don't know but I'm sure they will.
Dua: Yeah I think my fans will be okay with it cause they think I'm bi.
Y/n: Yeah I did too. When you said you kissed a girl I knew you were on the bi crew. What surprised me was when dove told me you were fully gay now.
Dua: Yeah. I realized with Anwar and Romain that I don't like men anymore. They just use me yk.
Y/n: Yeah and I'm sorry that they never treated you right. I promise il never be like them ever.
Dua: Thanks y/n.

I gave her hand a tight squeeze and stood up. She quickly stood up and looked confused.

Dua: Why are you standing up?
Y/n: Cause I don't want my girl to get a cold tonight.
Dua: Awwh your girl?
Y/n: Omfs Dua. Yess now come.

She followed me to the car. We held hands all the way. I opened the car door for her and she got in. I went over to my side and got in. She looked at me while I sat and got ready. I looked at her in confusion and giggled at her beautiful brown eyes staring straight through mine.

Y/n:Whats up?
Dua: Oh nothing. Are we going home now?
Y/n: Yeah.

We drove home while listening to soft music. She placed her hand on my thigh. It gave me the chills cause her hand was ice cold.

Y/n: Are you cold?
Dua:No why?
Y/n:Cause your hand is ice cold. I'm going to turn up the heat.
Dua: Thanks y/n.

I turned up the heat and the ride continued. We got home slowly after and watched a movie together. Hailee was no where to be seen and it worried me. I got a call from a unknown number and picked up immediately. What happened next shocked me

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