Part 17

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Sorry that the last two chapters was short. This one is going to be longer. I had food poisoning for 4 days so when I was not vomiting I was writing.

I answered the call. I heard hailee's voice and quickly turned my focus completely on the call.

Y/n: Hailee? What's going on? Are you okay?
Hailee: No. Someone came into the house and tried to kill me. I ran and now I don't know where I am. Can you come and get me?
Y/n: Wait what? Yeah I can get you. Look around and see if you can see anything that I can look out for to find you.
Hailee: Uhm there is a McDonald's.
Y/n: What are you calling from?
Hailee: A strangers phone.
Y/n: Oky what I want you to do is go into the McDonald's and ask the location.
Hailee: Oky.

I heard her run and she was breathing heavily.

Hailee: It's oky summit street.
Y/n: I'm on my way. Stay there Hailee. Go into the bathroom.
Hailee: Thank you y/n.

I declined and looked at Dua.

Y/n: Hailee is in trouble. Your coming with me. We're going to go get her.
Dua: Can't I just stay here?
Y/n:No there was someone in the house. He tried to kill her so no your not staying here.

She nodded in agreement and we ran to my Porsche. I started the car while she got in. When she got in I drove away. She looked scared. I was speeding to summit street McDonald's.

Y/n: Dua buckle up.
Dua: Oky.
Y/n: I'm sorry if I'm scaring you but I don't know if she is out of danger yet.
Dua: It's okay y/n. Do what you have to do.

I put more speed on the car and quickly got there. I rushed inside after I parked. Dua was quickly to follow behind me. I went into the bathroom and there she was standing and shaking. I hugged her tightly.

Y/n: Are you okay now?
Hailee: Yeah a bit better.
Y/n: Good. I'm calling my mom. Dua comfort her.

I immediately called my mom and she picked up.

Don: Yeah y/n?
Y/n: Mom someone was in the house when me and Dua went out and tried to kill Hailee.
Don: I'm sending my security team to the house right now. Is Hailee okay?
Y/n: She is shaking mom.
Don: Oky give her something sweet and calm her. My team just arrived and is checking everything for you guys. They will stay the night. Tomorrow you guys will move to your house?
Y/n: My house?
Don: Yess I'm buying you your own house right now.
Y/n: Wait mom.
Don: Why?
Y/n: Can my house be in london?
Don: Sure why not. Il fly you three and the pups to London tomorrow to your house. It going to be a big house that I close to Duas London house and the furniture will be ready when you arrive.
Y/n: Thanks mom your the best.
Don: No problem y/n. Now keep Hailee calm.
Y/n: Will do so now. Love you mom bye.

I declined and walked out of the bathroom. I ordered a cherry ice cream , chocolate and strawberry ice cream for us three. They came and dua took Hailee out.

Y/n: This will help. Choose one. I have cherry , chocolate and strawberry.
Hailee: Cherry

I have her the cherry one the moment we sat down at a booth.

Y/n: Dua witch one do you want?
Dua: Strawberry.
Y/n: Here you go.
Dua: Thanks.
Y/n: Hailee could you see the guy's face?
Hailee: He had a beard but the top of his head was covered.
Y/n: Was he tall?
Hailee: Yeah.
Y/n: Did he act like he was in his 40s.
Hailee: Yep.
Dua: Romain
Y/n: Yep. Be right back.

I called my mom and she picked up.

Don: Yess y/n? Is Hailee okay now?
Y/n: Yeah she is okay. She said the guy had a beard. He was tall and looked in his 40s. His eyes and top of his head was covered. Sound familiar?
Don: Duas ex.
Y/n: Yess. Romain. I think he was after me and not Hailee.
Don: I'm telling my security now the details and main suspect that we think.
Y/n: Thanks mom. Make sure he gets locked up.
Don: Will do so.

She declined and I went back to Dua and Hailee. Hailee looked better now.

Y/n: Sorry Hailee this is all my fault. He must have been after me.
Hailee: It's okay Y/n. I'm safe now.
Y/n: My mom's security will stay with us tonight while some of them look for romain and tomorrow morning my mom is going to fly us to London.
Dua: My home Yess.
Hailee: That sounds good. Where are you going to stay y/n?
Y/n: Well I have good news about that aswel. My mom just bought me my own house. It is close to your house Dua. My furniture will be installed tomorrow morning while we're on the flight.
Dua: I'm so happy for you y/n.
Hailee: Same. Wait did I ruin you date?
Y/n: No we were about don. We were watching movie.
Hailee: Oky good. How did it go?
Y/n: It was great.
Dua: Yeah. It was really special.
Hailee: That's good to hear.
Y/n: Wanna go back?
Hailee: Sure.

We stood up after finishing our ice creams. I went and opened the door for the girls. I then went to my side. We drove home to soft music. We arrived at the house and the security was insane. There was cars everywhere. I climbed out and so did the other two. We went inside after Hailee talked to the main officer. I went straight to get dressed. Lula was sleeping on the bed. Bailey was with her and Dexter was laying on my pillow. Dua came behind me and swung me around a few times.

Y/n: We are the parents of three kids.
Dua: Yeah. Our three pups.
Y/n: We should probably get some sleep.
Dua: Yeah we should.

Me and Dua climbed into the bed and cuddled. We fell asleep after a while. I heard a loud scream and jumped up. Something is wrong. I checked the time it was 2 am. I quickly got out bed and went to Hailee. She had a nightmare. She saw me and let out a sigh of relief. I went and sat on her bed while hugging her.

Y/n: Had a bad dream?
Hailee: Yeah.
Y/n: Come lay on your back for me. Close your eyes and just listen to voice.

She did just that and I started singing softly to her. I really had a mom moment here. She holded my hand and I rub her hand with my thumb while singing. She seemed more relaxed.

Hailee: Thank you y/n.
Y/n: No problem Hailee.
Hailee: You have a beautiful voice y/n.
Y/n: Thank you Hailee.
Hailee: Sing for me something again.
Y/n: oky.

I sang again for her and she slowly drifted off to sleep. I also got sleepy and before I could fall asleep next to her I felt a pair of hand lift me up and taking me to my bed. I looked up and it was Dua. Awwh she is so cute. She gently placed me down on my side and got in.

Dua: You sing beautifully.
Y/n: Thanks. Why did you come and get me?
Dua: Cause you belong in this bed with me and not in that one. I love you and I want you to get some rest.
Y/n: Well thank you Dua. It meant a lot.

I said that and quickly pecked her lips and layed my head on her chest. She played with my hair until I fell asleep.

Dua pov

She looked so tired when she sang to Hailee to sleep. Shame she puts other before herself. I love her so much already. Just be mine y/n. The way you handled Hailee shows me you will become a great mother one day and I can't wait to spend my elderly years with you. I came and got you so that you won't fall asleep with her and that you could get some relax for tomorrow's big day. Your going to need all the strength you can get. Moving is a big deal so I just hope your ready for that. Il be spending a lot of time with you and the studio. I want to record songs for my new album. I also have to record more episodes for service 95. I don't want to disappoint you y/n and I am doing my best to spend everyday with you. After a while I fell asleep aswel.

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