Part 21

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We drank cuz the doctor didn't say anything about not drinking. Some of us got drunk and decided we were going to a club. Hailee and me drove to the club. We then arrived. The others had disguises on so that no one would recognize them. I just went as myself. I was still dizzy but I didn't care. So the night started. Some of the girls was on the dancefloor and other was in a booth just talking. Yess you guessed it. I was on the dance floor. I haven't danced in a club before so this was my first time. The girls told me to just go with everything everyone is doing. So I'm currently dancing while someone is holding onto my hips. I think it was one of the girls so I didn't mind. The person started humping/ twerking on me. Wow is the girls really that drunk? Maybe we should get them home. I turned to take a look on what girl it was in our group but what I saw shocked me. It wasn't one of our girls in our girl group. It was a total stranger. I decided to walk away and pretend this never happened but suddenly my arm got pulled back and the person started dancing with me again.

Y/n: Hi sorry. I thought you were one of my friends. I have to go now.
Person: I'm one of of of your friends.
Y/n: Sure you are. What's your name btw?
Person: bianca.
Y/n: Right so idk a bianca. Imma get going.

Luckily the girls saw me and got me away from this bianca girl. We went back home cause most of the girls was totally drunk like Kylie tells everyone her secrets. Kendall is sleepy. Hailee was alright. Scarlett was dancing with everyone. Lizzy was crying over everything. Flo was flirty like oms. We're a mess when we are drunk. We got home and we gave everyone a nausea pill , water bottle and a bucket. We then went to sleep. Hailee slept in my room. The others were on their own. We locked my door so that no one could get inside. We then slept.

Next morning

Uhh I slept like a baby. I was stretching and saw Hailee still asleep. I got up to see all the damage that was done by the others. To my surprise the house wasn't destroyed. I went and check up on each girl. All of them was well accept Kylie. She seemed sick to me so I grabbed some nausea pills and handed her a few. She took them with her water and layed back down. I went back upstairs and grabbed my phone. I sat on my porch and went on my phone. I have a lot of messages from dove. I decided to look at them.

Dove: Y/n what the hell?
Dove: I thought you loved Dua?
Dove: Why did you dance with that girl like that?
Dove: Answer me dammit.
Dove: I swear to God y/n! If your playing with Dua just leave.

What the hell was going on?

Y/n: What do you mean?
Dove: You were dancing with a girl last night very closely.
Y/n: Dove I can't see shit. Plus I thought it was one of the girls that was drunk. When it started getting more weird I turned to see who it was and tried to stop them.
Dove: Why can't you see?
Y/n: Cause I got hurt yesterday on the ice skating rink.
Dove: When did you go? Hailee never told me you guys were going?
Y/n: Cause I went with Sabrina and her group.
Dove: What the hell y/n. You know Taylor and Dua hate each other.
Y/n: Yeah I figured.
Dove: Oms. Your unbelievable.
Y/n: Yess I know.

Just when I sended that my mom called me. So I picked up immediately.

Y/n: Hi mom.
Don: Honey are you okay?
Y/n: Yess mom I'm alright. Why are you asking?
Don: You took a nasty fall.
Y/n: Yeah I know. I'm oky now. My vision is just blurry.
Don: Oky that's still scary. I'm flying you to me so that I can get you the best doctors to get this away quick.
Y/n: Mom I'm alright.
Don: No y/n your not. Some people never get their vision back. You coming to la end of story.
Y/n: Oky mom.
Don: I'm booking your flight for now. Pack and go to the airport. Your plane will be there in half n hour.
Y/n: Oky mom.

I went inside and started packing Hailee woke up and saw me packing. She looked so confused.

Y/n: You good?
Hailee: I don't know what's worse. You packing or my massive headache.
Y/n: The headache. I'm just going to my mom for a few days. Il be back soon.
Hailee: Oh then definitely the headache. Well I hope you enjoy cause imma sleep further.
Y/n: Also no big parties. Don't trash my house please.
Hailee: Yeah I won't don't worry. Are you taking the pups with?
Y/n: Yeah all three of them.
Hailee: Oky that's nice.

Hailee went back to sleep and I was done by now. I placed each dogs leash on them and loaded everything in the car. I then drove to the airport. I was lost in thought cause of Dua. Like why hasn't she called me or texted me yet? Like is she busy? Is she avoiding me? My thoughts quickly stopped when I parked my car at the airport. I then got the pups out and someone helped me onto the plane. There was papz but I didn't care. I got in the plane and got relaxed. I then fell asleep with the pups next to me.

A elderly man woke me up and told me we landed. I got up and went out with the pups. My mom was waiting for me outside and stormed me when I came out.

Don: Omfs hi y/n!
Y/n: Hi mom.
Don: How are you feeling?
Y/n: Tired.
Don: Oky well you can't be tired now. Your going to my fav doctor.
Y/n: Oky mom.
Don: Also I see you have Dexter. Maybe you should let Dua see him now.
Y/n: She is away filming something.
Don: Yeah she is here in la.
Y/n: She never told me she would be in la. Oky il arrange something with her.
Don: First the doc tho.
Y/n: Yess mom first the doctor.

She lead me to her car and we got in. She told her men to place my stuff back at home. I took the pups with me cause I don't trust anyone with them. We arrived after a short drive at the doctor. My mom took me in immediately and explained what happened. They examined me and told us this.

Doc: Yess miss y/n's sight will get back soon. You guys have nothing to worry about.
Y/n: See I'm good.
Don: Were just being safe y/n.

My mom took me outside and I decided to go on a walk in la. My mom was hesitant but allowed me if I take two bodyguards with me. I agreed cause I just wanted to explore the place and let the pups get some fresh air. I walked around and a few fans saw me but my bodyguards held them back. I then looked at a cafe. I swear that's Dua. I asked my bodyguard if it was her and he told me yes. I then basically ran inside with the pups. I decided to play cool and order me a coffie so that she would be the one to see me. I felt a light tap on my shoulder so I jumped in fright.

Dua: Wow y/n? Chill it's just me.
Y/n: Yeah sorry I can't really see well.
Dua: Yeah I know. Awwh you brought Dexter and bailey with you to la.
Y/n: Yeah I can't leave them alone with Hailee. I don't trust it. I trust her but if she threw a party then hell no.
Dua: So what are you doing in la?
Y/n: Oh yess my mom brought me here to let the doctors check my eyes out.
Dua: Oh and I thought you were visiting me.
Y/n: I would have but you never texted me and stuff so yeah. Also you never called.
Dua: Yeah sorry I've been so busy with this new film that I hardly get a break.
Y/n: Dua it's fine. I'm just messing with you.
Dua: Oh thank goodness. You scared me.
Y/n: Well I got to go.
Dua: Where?
Y/n: Explore.
Dua: Oms. Have you never been to la?
Y/n: Oh I have but just inside a hotel.
Dua: Oh makes sense. Well then let me take you on one.
Y/n: Alright.

I handed her Dexter leash and baileys cause I got my coffee. She helped me out and her bodyguards joined mine. We told them that they can socialize with each other cause they don't have friends in their work industry. They thanked us and started talking with each other. Me and Dua was just walking around the beautiful city. I barely saw but the beauty was right next to me and only because she was the only one I could see. I was just staring at her beautiful face and body. She turned to look at me but caught me staring.

Dua: Mi amor.
Y/n: Mhm?
Dua: Your staring.
Y/n: oh sorry
Dua: Gosh i didn't knew I had this much control over you.
Y/n: Don't flatter yourself. I can only see you the rest is blurry. Like legit. I can't see shit.
Dua: Oms what did the doctors say cause your getting grumpy with me again.
Y/n: Nothing just leave it.

We continued walking until Dua pulled me into a club she loves. I was startled at first but realized where we were after a while. She took me to the bar and we sat down.

Dua: Is there you should tell me?
Y/n: Like what?
Dua: wow y/n your unbelievable.
Y/n: What?
Dua: You danced with someone else sexually?!
Y/n: I couldn't see shit. I thought it was one of the girls that was to drunk.
Dua: What girls?
Y/n: Our friend group Dua.
Dua: Well why don't you go fuck them cause you don't give a shit about me if your dancing like that with someone else.
Dua: Uh I...
Y/n: See.

I stood up and just was I wanted to walk out she grabbed my arm and pulled me into a kiss. People were cheering around us and some was taking pics. I was so lost in the moment that I didn't realize what we have done

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