Part 5

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She brought back a leash. It looks so cute and it's pink. Where did she get this?

Y/n: Where did this come from?
Hailee: I found it on the couch. I think Dua got it for Lula.
Y/n: That's nice of her.
Hailee: Yeah but remember play hard to get.
Y/n: Yeah I know.

Just as I said that I heard a car pull up and it honked once. I knew it was time to go so I grabbed Lula and placed the leash on her. She was leash trained at the center so she wasn't fighting it. We took a dog bowl with us if the dogs get thirsty. We got in the car and chilled. Martini was sitting Infront of Hailee and Lula was laying on me. She looked so adorable.

Y/n: Hailee.
Hailee: Yeah?
Y/n: She is so cute.
Hailee: Yeah she is. Omfs just look at her tongue sticking out.
Y/n: Omfs.

Hailee took a photo and posted it on her insta. The caption said. Mommy loves me. I laughed when I saw it on insta and posted it on mine aswel. We then arrived and got out of the car. Me and Hailee walked in where they told us my mom would be. She saw me and looked at me confused cause I had a puppy in my hands.

Don: Where I'd you get this little girl?
Y/n: Oh Dua got her for me.
Don: That's nice of her. What's her name?
Y/n: Lula. It means pearl.
Don: Oh that's nice. I see martini is all dressed up.
Hailee: Yeah she looks so good.
Don: Listen your clothing options is up stairs to the right and there is a red and black fabric laying there somewhere. It is a square so you can place it on Lula to make her look cute.
Y/n: Oky thanks mom.

Me and Hailee went off to the room and saw all the options to wear. We closed the door and let the two babies run around in the room and play.

Hailee: I like this blue dress with the pockets on my chest.
Y/n: Yeah it looks cute. Imma go with this red dress.
Hailee: Oh stunning.
Y/n: Yeah. Let's turn around and change.
Hailee: I don't mind.
Y/n: Oh alright.

Hailee pov:

Y/n started to undress. Gosh she is really beautiful but she is really skinny. Her bones was sticking out a bit less than before so that's good. She was really pretty and I started to do the same.

Y/n pov:

I saw Hailee looking at me and I didn't mind. When I was done she started and she is looking absolute fire. She had abs and it was so hot. No y/n you can't look at your best friend like that. When she was  done we posed for a photo with the pups. I found the fabric my mom was talking about and tied it to Lula's colour. She did look much cuter. We then went downstairs only to find Satan herself. Dua didn't say a word she just looked me up and down and I saw her cheeks turn red when she noticed I was staring at her.

Dua: Don't you two look gorgeous.
Y/n: Thanks Dua. You don't looks to bad yourself.

There it was again. The blush. What's up with her today. Hailee took my hand and helped me downstairs. I looked at Dua again only to see her expression change into something else. Wait was she jealous. Hah bitch. I laughed at myself cause I won't dare say that to her face. When we reached the end of the stairs Dua was surprised to see Lula run to her and took a step back. She did give her a pet and then walked off. Is she really that heartless. I decided to follow her and confront her. She went into another room and when I saw no one was there I closed the door behind me Wich made her jump and turn around.

Y/n: What was that?
Dua: What was what?
Y/n: The dog you got for me was trying to greet you and you just pet her and walk away like you were disgusted by her.
Dua: Your taking this to personally.
Y/n: What is up with you. You try to be nice and all but your also not trying.
Dua: Yeah well I'm not the one with anorexia.

That hit me hard I turned around to walk away but she grabbed my arm. I quickly took it off me.

Y/n: Don't touch me.
Dua: Look y/n I'm sorry I took it to far. I do love dogs and I am not the heartless animal you see. I had a pup of my own but my ex took him when we broke up and I don't wanna get to attached to your puppy cause I'm afraid of getting hurt again.
Y/n: It's fine Dua. Btw I named her Lula and don't worry about getting to close cause you will. We will be seeing each other often. You can get close to her cause your like her second mom but don't get close to me. It's like we're parents that separated. So yeah that's that imma go now.
Dua: Lula is a perfect name. Yeah I will try to get close to her without stepping over your boundaries.
Y/n: Good.

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