Part 34

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I woke up to Dua not next to me. I stood up and got dressed. I then went out to find her laying in the sun. She was tanning while reading a book. I took a pic of her and the view. She saw me and started posing.

Dua: Like what u see my luv?Y/n: Very much mi amor

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Dua: Like what u see my luv?
Y/n: Very much mi amor.
Dua: How about u do something about it?
Y/n: It will be my pleasure.

I picked her up bridal style and took her back to our room. I locked the door and went back to Dua. She was laying on the bed. I went and got on top of her. She was smirking at me cause she knows what was about to come. I started kissing her and I let my body down. I now layed on her while holding her.

Dua: What's wrong love?
Y/n: Just tired.
Dua: Wow. So you made me horny and made my hopes go up just for u to cuddle me.
Y/n: luv I was about to fuck the shit out of you but now I'm just tired and my head is throbbing with pain.
Dua: Why didn't u say so? Are you okay love?
Y/n: No. I feel like I'm going to vomit aswel.
Dua: Poor baby is sea sick. Here let's take care of you.

She helped me up and we went to the bathroom. I went and sat next to the toilet just incase. She took a cloth and made it wet. She placed it on my forehead to help me keep cool.

Dua: Do you need anything love?
Y/n: Pills. I need medicine
Dua: Il try my best love. Are you going to be fine here?
Y/n: Yess
Dua: Oky love. Love u
Y/n: Love you too

She left and I pucked. I felt sick in a way that I've never felt before.

Dua pov

I left and went to the bar. Y/n told me she found pills here. I went up to the lady and sat down Infront of her.

Bartender: This is a bit early. What can I get u?
Dua: Do u guys have nausea pills and headache pills?
Bartender: That we do have. Who is sea sick?
Dua: Y/n is.
Bartender: Here you go. Also here is a water for her.
Dua: Thanks.

I took the pills and the water and went back to y/n. She was laying on the floor looking worse. Shame my poor baby.

Y/n pov

I felt worse and Dua just came back. She saw me on the floor and broke down. I saw the sadness in her eyes and it broke me. She came to my side immediately.

Dua: Are you alright love?
Y/n: Yes.
Dua: That's a lie.
Y/n: Yess I know.
Dua: Come on let's get u cleaned up.

She helped me get up and I brushed my teeth. She then helped me to the bed and made me comfortable. She handed me the pills and the water and I took them. She went and got in next to me and I went over to her. She opened her arms for me and holded me close.

Dua: Get some rest babygirl.
Y/n: I don't want to miss the day.
Dua: Ur sick y/n. Get some rest.
Y/n: Oky. I will but you mustn't miss the day. Don't worry about me il be fine. Go and enjoy the day. It will make me happy.
Dua: I will stay until your asleep okay?
Y/n: Sounds good love.

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