Part 18

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I woke up around 7 am. Dua was still sleeping so I got up and went over to the kitchen. I started making breakfast for us before we have to go at 10. I make some bacon and eggs. I also make some fresh lemon juice to go with it. After I was done I quickly cleaned the kitchen and started to place the food in 3 different plates. I then took two of them and went upstairs. first was hailee. I went inside her room and placed her food down on her night stand. She was still asleep so I went to my room and placed dua's food down as well. I then went downstairs and got their glasses of juice. I placed it down next to their food and decided to head down. I grabbed my food and juice and sat down on the couch. I decided to watch some murder documentaries. After a while I saw dua and hailee coming down stairs with their empty plates. They saw me and decided to join me on the couch.

Hailee: Morning y/n. Thanks for the breakfast in bed.
Y/n: Morning hailee and no problem.
Dua: Morning beauty. Thanks for the breakfast
Y/n: Morning luv. No problem.
Dua: So what are we watching?
Y/n: Oh a murder documentary.
Hailee: Oh nice. I love watching people die

She said that in a sarcastic tone and we just laughed about it. After we finished the movie we decided to get ready for our flight. I went and packed. Hailee went back to her house to pack. Dua was just laying on my bed playing with the pups. After I was done packing me and dua got in a car my mom sent and went over to hailee's house. She met us outside and got in. Her bags was put in the trunk when she got in. We drove to the airport while playing some truth or dare games. We then arrived after 15 min of driving and we immediately got on our jet. I got comfortable next to Dua and Hailee was on her phone Infront of us.

Hailee: Are you excited?
Y/n: Yeah.
Hailee: That's good. Also we have to throw a party cause it's your first house.
Dua: Who did you have in mind?
Hailee: Well the girls and some more friends.
Y/n: Wait what are you guys doing?
Dua: Planning a party your not going to say no too.
Y/n: Uh alright since I can't say no.
Hailee: Yess okay so maybe Elton John and ...

I fell asleep after Hailee said Elton John. Gosh I was tired.

Duas pov

Y/n fell asleep on my lap and I held her close. Hailee just laughed and I shushed her.

Hailee: When are you going to ask her?
Dua: Soon. Just gotta plan the moment.
Hailee: Just do it already. She already likes you.
Dua: Yeah I know she does but lets just give it time. I don't wanna rush things.
Hailee: Yeah yeah whatever. Your asking her soon or I will take her away from you.
Dua: You can't do that.
Hailee: She listens to everything I say so yes I can.
Dua: We will see Hailee.
Hailee: Urgh how did that not work. I tried to be mean to you and scare you but clearly you know what your doing so il back off for now.
Dua: Thanks Hailee.

Hailee left and gave me some privacy with y/n. I played with her hair and soon I fell asleep aswel.

Y/n pov

I woke up to the jet shaking. It was landing. Gosh that scared me. I saw Dua was still asleep next to me. She must be used to landing. I looked her up and down. My hand went up to her face to remove a piece of hair that fell on her face. She slowly opened her eyes and looked straight in mine. I didn't know what she is thinking and it bothered me. So I looked away and pulled her body closer to mine.

Dua: Omfs y/n. 😂. Can you go tighter?
Y/n: Yeah I can actually.
Dua: Dude no..

I hugged her tightly and I felt her tap out so I let go of her. She then rubbed her sides. I only laughed at her actions.

Dua: That hurted.
Y/n: You calling me dude hurted.
Dua: Oh shit sorry I didn't even realize.
Y/n: Dua I'm messing with you. Don't worry about it.

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