Part 22

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After the kiss Dua realized what she has done. She then stood up and grabbed by arm and walked me out. I was still shocked as Dua pulled me around the streets. Our bodyguards was so confused on why Dua was pulling me away from the place. Dua told her guard to get her car and he did as he was told. I was still confused and was barely understanding what was happening. Her car then pulled up and she basically threw me inside and got in.

Dua pov

Shit what have I done. I love y/n but I can't love her. I'm engaged with romain. So he came to me when I landed here in la and my manager forced me to get engaged with him. I can't do this to y/n anymore. She needs to just leave me cause I will never be able to love her the way she deserves to be loved. I turned to face her in the car. She was still shocked about everything so I decided to get her attention back.

Y/n pov

Wow just wow dua. Infront of the public? What will happen now? We aren't dating yet? This is going to turn up bad. She got me out of my mind by putting her hand on my shoulder.

Dua: Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah Dua?
Dua: Listen I'm taking you to your mom.
Y/n: Why?
Dua: Cause I don't like you anymore y/n. I was confused and the moment just happened. We never dated and stuff cause I knew this would happen. I just want you to know this isn't your fault.
Y/n: ...

My heart shattered. What the hell? Did she really just said that to me? That's it I'm never dating ever. I'm glad she didn't ask me. She was just playing with me. Maybe Taylor and the other are innocent?

Y/n: Oh.
Dua: Oh?
Y/n: Oh nothing.
Dua: Are you okay y/n?
Y/n: No but il be.
Dua: Your taking this well.
Y/n: What else should I do?
Dua: I don't know but should stay away from me from now on.

That hurted me more. She did say she loved me and that I have her heart in my hand? Why is she doing this? I looked at her and saw a ring on her finger. What the hell? Is she engaged?

Y/n: Oh I see why
Dua: I'm sorry y/n. It's for the best.
Y/n: So you can play with my feeling while your engaged. Why didn't you tell me? Who is your new person?
Dua: Romain. I didn't want to.
Y/n: Wow dua. Make your mind up about that asshole. Don't go pick up some girl to be your hoe for a week.
Dua: I hope you understand y/n.
Y/n: Well I don't want you to be near me ever again. I also simply don't need your gifts anymore aswel.

I said that and the car stopped at my mom's house. I got out and left Lula with Dua. I then rushed inside and started packing my bags. Luckily my mom wasn't home to see me like this. I decided to call her.

Y/n: Hi mom.
Don:Hi y/n. What's up?
Y/n: I wanna go back home.
Don: Why so soon?
Y/n: I wanna hang out with Hailee more. Mom can you please book my flight for now?
Don: Yess ofc darling. Are you sure your okay?

I broke down bad in tears and my mom knew something was up. She then declined and 5min of crying passed and she arrived. She rushed inside and saw me crying. She immediately came and hugged me.

Don: What happened?
Y/n: Dua is engaged with Romain. She played with me mom.
Don: That's not the Dua I know.
Y/n: Well she did. Can I just go back home?
Don: Are you sure?
Y/n: Yess mom.
Don: Oky il book your flight now and also do you want me to put Romain in jail?
Y/n: How?
Don: Well it was him that tried to kill Hailee. We have camera footage.
Y/n: Send that to Dua. Let her do what she wants with him. Il talk with Hailee when I get back.
Don: Oky. Your flight is gonna be here in 10 min. Are you ready?
Y/n: Yeah.
Don: Good is lula ready?

I started crying when she said that. She noticed she was not with me and realized that Lula is with Dua.

Don: Did Dua take her?
Y/n: No I left her with Dua cause she will only remind me of Dua.
Don: Oh honey.

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