Part 7

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I woke up early to find Hailee not in bed. I stood up and walked over to the kitchen. There she was making breakfast.

Hailee: Afternoon sleepy head.
Y/n: Wait what's the time?
Hailee: It's about 1 in the afternoon.
Y/n: Wow. Why didn't you wake me?
Hailee: Cause you looked tired. Here I made pancakes for us.
Y/n: Where is my mom?
Hailee: shhhh.

She said that and pointed over to the couch. Dua was sleeping there. Wtf.

Y/n: What is she doing here?
Hailee: Donatella let her stay here and keep an eye over us since she had to go back home to sort something out.
Y/n: I hope it's not serious.
Hailee: Don't stress over that. Now let's eat.

Hailee placed my food Infront of me and whispered to me softly.

Hailee: You can draw on her face.
Y/n: That's not a bad idea.

I went over to the fridge that had a magnet pen. I went over to Dua and drew a mustache on her face and also write on her forehead the devil. I then went back quickly to Hailee and placed the pen back.

Hailee: Haha. Did you take a pic.
Y/n: Wait yeah let me go take it.

I stood up again and quickly took a bunch of photos. I went back and sat down to eat. After we ate I did the dishes while Hailee went and got dressed.

Dua: Can you please be quiet I'm trying to sleep Romain.

I ignored her and just got louder. She then sat up and rubbed her eyes. Only to find her here with me.

Dua: Shit sorry thought you were Romain.
Y/n: You were probably so drunk you can't even remember being here.

I said that and while I walked away I pointed to some pancakes I left for her . I walked to my room and got my clothes. I then went and told Hailee
Imma go shower and that she needs to keep an eye on the devil. After that I went and got undressed and hopped in the shower. At least the shower has curtains so if anyone would have walked in they won't see me. I heard the door open and close.

Y/n: What the hell!
Dua: Sorry but I needed to puke.
Y/n: Ewww Dua get out! I'm naked in here.
Dua: Just give me a second.
Y/n: That's your fault you drank to much last night.
Dua: I think I'm going to be sick.
Y/n: Still your fault.

She didn't leave and instead kept puking. I felt bad for her. Only to regret it by her screaming.

Dua: You fucking drew on my face!?

Before I could say anything the door went flying open.

Hailee: Dua get your ass out of here. Do you know anything about respecting people.
Dua: I'm busy puckingg Hailee.
Hailee: I don't care.
Y/n: Hailee it's fine. Can you hand me a towel.
Hailee: Pfft fine.

She gave me a towel through the curtains and I wrapped it around me. I then got out. I walked pass both of them to my mom's room. I then locked her bathroom door and quickly washed my hair and got out. I went to my room only to find Dua sitting on my chair. I got mad but decided to make her invisible to me. So I walked over to my closet and picked out other clothes. I then dropped my towel and started dressing. I could feel her eyes on me the whole time but I didn't care. After I was done I walked out of the room and into the guest room. Hailee was playing with Lula on the bed.

Y/n: My two favs together.
Hailee: Haha. Sorry about Dua.
Y/n: Nah just leave her. I made her invisible to me just now and will forever.
Hailee: Yeah that's good. Where did you go after you got out of the shower?
Y/n: I went to the other shower and locked the door. After that I went into my room and got dressed.
Hailee: But Dua was in your room.
Y/n: Shame I didn't see her.
Hailee: Your unbelievable 😂.
Y/n: Yepp. That's what she gets for going out with that old man. Who only is using her for fame.
Hailee: Yepp can't agree more.

I heard a knock on the side of the door. I ignored it cause I know it was Dua.

Dua: Hey.
Hailee: Hi.
Dua: What are you guys doing?
Hailee: Sitting and talking.

My back was facing her and when I felt her hands on my shoulders I quickly flinched out of her grip.

Y/n: Hailey a ghost just touched me.
Hailee: 😂 really? Where?
Y/n: On my shoulders.
Dua: Haha very funny y/n.
Hailee: Dua come with me.
Dua: Fine

They walked out and I was happy that thing was away. I played with Lula until Hailee came back inside. She looked at me worried.

Y/n: What did the devil say?
Hailee: Uhm. Y/n..
Y/n: What's up?
Hailee: Dua she is stuck.
Y/n: She is stuck? You need to explain more.
Hailee: Well the guy Romain she's with. She is forced to do it and she told me that, that's why she tries spending time with you cause Romain has respect for Duas friends and doesn't bother her then.
Y/n: Well she can choose someone else.
Hailee: That's the thing Romain doesn't mind you cause he doesn't know you. Her other friends doesn't care about her of her bf. Like I said they just want her fame.
Y/n: Oh well.
Hailee: Y/n I know she did do you wrong. She did apologize and if I didn't know about this she would be in deep.
Y/n: Oky.

Hailee hugged me cause she knows this is a bit to much for me. I wonder if my mom knows?

Y/n: Does my mom know?
Hailee: no.
Y/n: Why don't she tell her. Im sure my mom will help.
Hailee: I know but she doesn't wanna bother other people.
Y/n: Ugh. Let me think about this.
Hailee: Oky.
Y/n: Alone please.
Hailee: Oky.

Hailee left the room and I was lost in thought. What do I do? Do I help her? Will she leave me alone after this? Yeah maybe? Ugh. I decided to go on a walk to clear my head. I picked Lula up and placed her color on her. I placed her leash on her and walked downstairs. There Dua was with Hailee. She was looking upset but I didn't know anymore.

Hailee: Where are you going?
Y/n: On a walk. Dua there is tissues in my room and some wet wipes for your face.
Dua: Thanks.
Hailee: Don't be to long. I want to go to a party with you tonight.
Y/n: Oky sure. Hope I drown before that 😂.
Hailee: Y/n?!
Y/n: Just joking or am I. Y'all will never know. Bye.

Before Hailee could say anything I was out of the door. Me and Lula went and sat at a restaurant. I wanted to try their pizza. That's when I saw someone walking up to me as if they knew me. I looked up and it was Dove. She came and sat Infront of me.

Y/n: Hey dove.
Dove: Hey y/n.
Y/n: What are you doing here?
Dove: Just wanted some pizza for tonight.
Y/n: That's nice. Me and Hailee are going to a party tonight.
Dove: Yeah I know. It's my party.
Y/n: Oh that's nice.
Dove: Yeah. Why are you here alone?
Y/n:I'm not alone I have Lula.
Dove: I meant people. Where is Hailee?
Y/n: With Dua at my house.
Dove: Ah I see. You know she got into a fight with Romain yesterday and when I asked her about it she said something about him coming for you?
Y/n: What?
Dove: Yeah. She told me he wants to observe you to see if your not a treat.
Y/n: A treat to who and what?
Dove: To Dua cause she went fully gay
Y/n: WHAT!?

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