Part 3

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Hailee pov:

I woke up with y/n's arm around me. I didn't mind and it gave me a chance to see her close up as a friend. I noticed how skinny she is. Does she have a eating disorder? Shame I'm going to help her if she will let me. She is really pretty but underweight. I decided to not disturb her more so when I wanted to climb out of bed she hugged me more tightly. Poor girl. If she wants me to stay then I will. I just don't want donatella to get the wrong impression of me. I decided to try to wake her up. I gently placed my hand on her boney shoulder and rubbed it. She quickly opened her eyes and took her arms back.

Y/n: Sorry.
Hailee: Hey it's okay. I just don't want your mom to get the wrong impression of me.
Y/n: Oh alright.

Y/n pov:

Shit that was the most embarrassing thing to happen to me. I saw martini laying by my feet and when she saw we were awake she quickly came and licked my face.

Y/n: She is to cute I can't.
Hailee: Yeah she is. Listen y/n I want you to feel like you can trust me with everything. I'm your friend after all.
Y/n: Yeah I know.
Hailee: Hey let's play a question game to get to know each other more.
Y/n: Sure. You go first.
Hailee: Fav animal?
Y/n: Horse. Fav animal?
Hailee: Dogs. Uhm Fav food?
Y/n: Sushi. Fav swear word?
Hailee: Fuck. Fav colour?
Y/n: Purple. Fav uhm idk. I'm out.
Hailee: It's alright. We will continue next time. Let's eat and get ready for the show?
Y/n: Sure.

We walked down stairs and I saw my mom making breakfast. For some reason I wanted to get better after my mom told Dua and what Dua said to me.

Y/n: Morning mom.
Don: Morning y/n. Morning Hailee.
Hailee: Morning.
Don: I made eggs and bacon. There is juice on the table so help yourself.
Y/n: Thanks mom.

I went and grabbed me and Hailee a plate. We both got our food and I ate. My mom looked so happy. She started tearing up.

Y/n: What's wrong mom?
Don: Oh nothing? Just something in my eye.
Hailee: Can I get you anything to help?
Don: yeah actually you can Hailee. I stuggle to put eye drops in. Do you mind helping me?
Hailee: Sure.

She stood up and walked with my mom to her room.

Hailee pov:

She brought me to her room and turned around hugging me.

Don: Thank you so much.
Hailee: What did I do?
Don: She is eating again cause of you.
Hailee: She didn't tell me about it.
Don: Well thank you either way. If it was cause she is lonely then I would have gotten her a friend a long time ago. Thank you so much Hailee.
Hailee: Pleasure.

We walked back down stairs to see y/n getting seconds. I smiled knowing what was going on and seeing her eat.

Y/n pov:

I hope my mom didn't thank Hailee. It was cause of Dua. Couldn't care less. I got my seconds and downed it aswel.

Don: Y/n slow down.
Y/n: I can't.
Don: Here take my keys and go get you some sushi. You love that don't you?
Y/n: Wait really. Thanks mom. Hailee wanna join?
Don: Let the girl eat first.
Y/n: Omfs your so slow.
Hailee: You wanna see slow?
Y/n: Please Hailee.

She quickly took her bacon and eggs and placed them inside 2 toasties and cutted it. She then ate it a like a sandwich. She finished quicker and I ran to the car. She quickly followed. We realized we were still in PJs so we ran back into the house and got dressed. We then went back to the car and I drove off. We stopped at the nearest sushi shop and placed a massive order so that I can eat sushi all day. Me and Hailee sat in the car while waiting for it.

Hailee: Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Hailee: Your mom told me and then thanked me. I have a feeling that it wasn't for me.
Y/n: Yeah it wasn't and I'm sorry that she tells everyone. She doesn't know when to say personal stuff and when not to.
Hailee: It's alright. I'm happy your eating and also who inspired you to eat again.
Y/n: Believe it or not but Dua. She said I was underweight and that I will never be a model. My mom told her I had anarexia and she looked shocked and sorry but I already made up my mind if I wanted to become a model I needed to eat.
Hailee: Let me guess your mom doesn't know that Dua is mean to you?
Y/n: Nope but its alright.
Hailee: If she does it again imma go after her.
Y/n: Don't pls I don't want drama.
Hailee: No promises.
Y/n: Hailee.
Hailee: Nope still no promises.
Y/n: Your so stubborn.
Hailee: I know.

My food was done and I went and got it. I placed it in the back seat and drive home. My mom called me half way.

Don: Hey
Y/n: Hi mom what's up?
Don: Are you still at the sushi place?
Y/n: Just drove. Why?
Don: Dua is here and I was wondering if you can bring her some sushi.
Y/n: She can have some of mine. I got a lot.
Don: Thank you so much.
Y/n: Bye mom.

I declined and Hailee looked at me worryingly.

Y/n: We just spoke of the the devil and how she is there at my house waiting to collect my sushi.
Hailee: 😂 Remember I'm here now. I won't leave your side.
Y/n: Also in her eyes I'm a model that works with donatella and I'm staying with her.
Hailee: Got it.

We arrived and I got out. I opened the door for Hailee and we laughed hard at my actions. She got out while saying

Hailee: Thanks mam.
Y/n: Your welcome my lady.
Hailee: Your such a dork.
Y/n: Ah and your a rat.
Hailee: Nah uh.
Y/n: Yeah ah.

We laughed at how childish we were being. I grabbed my sushi and we went inside. Dua was not in my sight so I quickly grabbed a plate and placed half inside of it with the chopsticks and some soy sauce in a holder. Me and Hailee then bolted upstairs to my room and got back under the covers while watching a new movie. I heard a knock on my door and before I could open it....

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